6 Ways to Motivate Preschool Kids to Keep Our Environment Clean

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There are several adults who contribute in their own ways to the recycling process. Though we all know that recycling lays a crucial foundation for our community, it is completely on the adults to make sure that our kids understand the need to recycle and look after our planet Earth.

The most important concept that is to be introduced to the preschoolers is recycling and sustainability. You need to look out for ways to get them involved if you want your children to participate in their learning. Motivate them to be an active learner instead of a passive bystander.

So, how do we do this? 

Today, I bring you a list of 6 such activities that you can share with your preschooler. The best parts…get them started NOW!

1. Composting

Children do love to play their part, so, why not give them the lead role of a family compost monitor?

Kids can help in a lot to collect the scraps and leftovers from the kitchen in a special bucket or a tabletop bin with a lid.

They even carry them out to the garden bin or simply feed the worms and chicken. This will help a lot if you have a family compost bun in the garden or a worm farm or poultry.

Your preschoolers can also collect the leaves, weeds and other materials that have formed a pile of rubbish and dispose of them in the compost bin.

Give your kid a child-sized rake and shovel that will motivate them in this task.

2. Always carry green bags

The green reusable shopping bags are easily recognized by the kids here.

Instead of throwing the plastic bag in the bin and adding up to the rubbish pile, it will be a clever thing to do when you take the same bag over and over again the while you go out for shopping the next time.

You can assist in making the kids feel important that you are placing them in charge of holding the bag for you until you reach the checkout. The older children can also be taught to keep the bags clean and folding and storing them for the next time.

This is how you can encourage them to the fullest.

3. Sharing those older toys

Children should be encouraged to go through their old toys and clothes periodically every 6 months and choose sort things that they will no longer use and give them out to the local op shops.

You can well utilize this opportunity where you can speak and discuss with your preschoolers about recycling of toys, clothes and other things so that the others would love using them. You can also speak to older children how fortunate they are of possessing them and there are others who are not so lucky.

There are children who usually depend on others for warm clothes and toys so, this way you can raise awareness in your kids. 

4. Reusing paper and cardboard

You will be simply left in awe in how excited the kids can get about something that is so simple if they feel that they are being useful.

So this point is an easy one. You need to provide some materials for a craft to children so that they can decorate the paper recycling box beautifully, so here all you need is to set up a box or a bin.

When the other family members are finished with them give your preschoolers the task of collecting the magazines, newspapers, and other junk mails and putting them in the box.

You can also help them to tip it into the household recycling wheelie bin for collection or taking down to the local recycling center when the box is overloaded and completely full.

5. Recycling the materials for the craft

This job is loved by several kids out there. You can motivate your kid and show them the true value and the art of collecting unused materials from your home.

This is something that they can choose to express creativity in them. You also need to speak to them about the concepts of reuse, recycle and reclaim to make something “NEW”.

6. Sorting out the wastes in correct bins

In several places, you are going to find the recycling and waste program that is there. There are rubbish bins, recycling bins and organic bins for waste categorization.

It is very important to sort out the waste correctly and dispose of them in the correct bin before the junks are taken away by the professional rubbish removal handlers.

For this, you need to educate yourself a bit as well as help your kids to recognize the different bins and what they are for.

The sense of responsibility here is loved by the preschoolers and they enjoy it a lot. They can help you to transfer from the smaller bins to the household bins. 

These are some of the useful ways where you can get active participation from your kids.

So, there you go- these simple 6 ways will have your kids involved and they are also filled with enthusiasm about recycling 

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