Essential Security Practices for Modern Businesses

Essential Security Practices for Modern Businesses

Many small and medium-sized businesses are witnessing an increased threat from cybercriminals who attempt to intrude into computer infrastructure networks for financial gain or identity theft. The U.S. Congressional Small Business Committee reported that 71 percent of cyberattacks were directed at small business enterprises. Small and medium enterprises lack robust information security systems and policies, leaving them vulnerable to cyber threats such as phishing, drive-by browser attacks, and more. This article outlines four effective ways to counter the growing threat of cybercriminals looking to target small business enterprises.

Install Security Software and a Firewall

Image via Flickr by purpleslog

Apart from protecting customer data, small enterprises need to safeguard their financial and business process information. Installing antivirus software can prevent malicious viruses and Trojan horse programs from attacking your computer network. Use anti-spam software to prevent spam emails, thereby blocking malicious links that could lead to hacker websites.

An important arsenal in your quest for cyber-security is firewall software, which must be enabled on all computers in your network. Installing a hardware firewall, such as a network security device, will protect your hardware infrastructure against cyber attacks and malware intrusion. Require your employees to install hardware and software security applications if they are working from home.

Address IaaS Security Issues

Many small and medium businesses use cloud services for their network infrastructure requirements. IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) comes with an increased risk of cyber attacks since the network is owned and operated by a different company. Most IaaS vendors only offer standard security features as part of their cloud service. As a business owner, you must carefully scrutinize the network security features offered by your IaaS provider, and consider implementing robust cybersecurity measures of your own.

Implement Companywide Information Security Measures

Encourage all employees in your organization to be aware of your firm's security policies, and keep them informed of newly implemented security protocols. Ask your employees to create strong passwords that deter hackers and require them to use separate passwords for different applications.

Install physical security systems that limit the entry of unauthorized individuals to your business premises, thereby preventing unauthorized access to your computer systems. Implement standard operating procedures that require all employees to seek approval prior to installing any software.

Have an Actionable Incident Response Strategy

Put into practice an Incident Response (IR) plan so that your employees know how to respond to a security breach. Test your plan repeatedly to ensure your employees are able to resolve the situation quickly with limited damage to your business. Involve your employees in creating and implementing IR plans. Also, train your staff effectively so they know their role in mitigating the negative impacts of a cybersecurity breach.

Digital security is important for an enterprise irrespective of its size. Small and medium businesses contain sensitive customer data that hackers want to get their hands on. Following the basics of cybersecurity measures is the first step in combating cyber attacks. Consider scaling up your network and computer security by installing sophisticated software and hardware security products, which make it difficult for hackers to penetrate your computer systems.

Correspondence and Network Security

Think about urban wrongdoing. Policing would be far less demanding if each vehicle in a city conveyed a one of a kind radio tag and voyaged just along a modest bunch of lanes, every one of them fixed with sensors. The same is valid for information. Organizations that channel enlisted information through observed access focuses will have a far simpler time spotting and confining malware. Cybercriminals are continually examining shortcomings. Each workstation, PC or PDA gives a potential opening to noxious assaults. The settings on every gadget must not be surrendered over to people or independent gatherings. They should all be liable to unified administration and requirement. What's more, the floods of information inside an endeavor must be arranged, everyone with its own particular hazard profile and directed exclusively to its hover of clients. Securing the workforce implies vanquishing confusion and supplanting it with certainty.

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