How to Best Prepare Your Kids for Dating Relationships

Dating Relationships

As a parent, one of your most important task as a parent is to prepare your kids for success in their dating relationship. preparing your kids for dating relationships begins with teaching and modeling the right lessons for your kids from the time they’re very young. If teach your kids these simple lessons, you’ll be setting them up for success in their future dating relationship.

Below are ways in which you can prepare your kids for a dating relationship:

Strive to have the kind of relationship that makes your kids actually want to get to date someone, someday.

One of the most common mistakes in a modern relationship is to put your own relationship with your spouse “on hold” while you’re raising your kids. When you do this, you end up with an “empty nest” and an empty relationship. Then your spouse breaks up with you, this makes your kids asking themselves if he left will he come back. This creates insecurity in the mind of your kids. One of the greatest gifts you can give your kids is the security that comes from seeing their mom in a loving, committed relationship.

Help your kids have healthy relationships with other kids

This may seem unrelated to dating, but it has a HUGE connection. The relationship with other people in childhood mirrors many aspects of the dating relationship in adulthood. When kids learn to “play nice” and have love and respect for their other kids, their hearts and minds are being trained to love and respect a spouse better someday.

Help your kids choose the right friends and the right boyfriends/girlfriends

The friends we have has a huge influence on our attitudes and the way we behave. So help your kids determine the character traits they should look for in potential friends while they are still young and as well as potential boyfriends or girlfriends when they are ready to date. Take an active enthusiasm in every one of their relationships.

Encourage them to ask the right questions about any potential spouse before dating them

Before saying, “yes”, you should teach your kids the need to ask some difficult questions about the person they’re considering to date. The questions should include but not limited to the following: Am I attracted to only this person’s looks? Do I like this person? Do the people who care about me the most think this person is a good match for me? Does this person bring out the best in me regularly? Do I need to be another individual around this person? Does character strengthened or become compromised when I’m with this person? Can I remain committed to this person no matter the situation?

Don’t discourage them from having a dating relationship (if they find the right person)

Most parents encourage their kids to have a great life before considering dating anyone. When your kids get on this life plan, they may drag out a dating relationship in a constant state of heading nowhere or they break up with someone who would have been a great partner because the “timing wasn’t right.” I’m not saying your kids should start dating early, but many of the healthiest and happiest couples I know started dating very young.

Encourage them to enter into a dating relationship with no breakups in their mind!

When it’s time for your kid to start dating, encourage him/her to start a dating relationship without breaking up! Help them remove the word “break-up” from their vocabulary, and when they start having issues with their boyfriend or girlfriend, encourage them to stop complaining and start working the issues out with their partner. Don’t become a parent who adds strain on your kid's relationships. Be a parent who becomes the biggest fan, friend and encourager of your child's boyfriend or girlfriend.

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