Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare: How it has Reshaped Healthcare for Good

Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare: How it has Reshaped Healthcare for Good

The healthcare sector has evolved considerably from what we knew of it, say, two to three decades ago. Now, we do not have to tell you that technology has been the driving force behind the evolution of healthcare; however, it must be noted that the impact of technology has been rather pronounced in the past few years. While several technologies and solutions deserve credit for said transformation, in recent years cloud computing solutions, especially Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare has emerged as the leading contributor to this evolution.

While the healthcare industry is at the forefront of accelerating its digital transformation journey, it is vital to address varied challenges. Ranging from meeting the needs of patients, providers, and payors. Further, they are in constant pursuit to connect disparate data sources that help unlock insights into patients and resources. To capitalize on this further, there are real-time communication and collaboration tools that help improve coordination and information flow.

You see, as the sector continues to experience innovation-driven change, the tech behemoth’s offerings are helping healthcare organizations understand and adapt to this change. Let us take a closer look at all that the Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare does for the sector:

  1. Better patient engagement: Decidedly one of the most sought-after offerings in Microsoft Cloud’s collection, Patient view helps hospitals and other healthcare facilities not only better understand their patients but also enhance patient experiences. How? This particular tool accomplishes that through various means including a 360-degree, unambiguous view of patients’ journeys.
  2. Improved collaboration: Any patient’s journey across a healthcare facility is based on various interconnected processes. Keeping this in mind, it becomes clear as a day that collaboration is crucial for successful outcomes for all stakeholders involved in the process. A handy provision from Microsoft’s arsenal to help with this challenge, then, is Microsoft Teams which empowers healthcare workers and caregivers with the means to be in sync in the context of operations, management, etc. across the board and also ensure secure communications.
  3. Superior experiences for healthcare workers: Healthcare workers are usually subject to strenuous workloads — a key challenge facing the sector. In this regard, the Microsoft Cloud suite’s Microsoft + Nuance offering not only provides support for doctors and clinicians but also helps deliver better patient experiences through enhanced flexibility via tools such as telehealth apps and automated clinical documentation among other things.
  4. Enhanced insights: There is simply no denying that the healthcare industry generates an overwhelming amount of disorganized and unstructured data every single day. Unfortunately, this can have massive implications for any healthcare organization, including waste of time in simply processing the data, inability to use data for in-depth analysis, etc. Microsoft Cloud helps address this concern via provisions such as Azure Health Data Services that help appropriately manage personal health data to deliver smarter workflows, simultaneously analyze several types of data, etc.

It has been for everyone to see that the healthcare sector has been subject to immense change over the past decade or so. The transformation has been especially impactful in recent years on account of modern technologies and cloud computing has, of course, played a pivotal role in this change. As the above discussion also demonstrates, healthcare-focused cloud computing services, such as Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare, have played and continue to drive tectonic changes in the industry.

From empowering healthcare providers with high-value clinical and operations insights to empowering organizations to quickly adapt to changes via new care models, etc., there is so much one can achieve with cloud computing in the healthcare industry. If you too are looking to take your healthcare operations to the next level, we recommend looking for a trusted cloud service provider ASAP.

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