Necessary Things You Must Know About Designer Gold Jewellery

There are many Jewellery Brands well known for their exemplary display of state of the art jewellery designs. The intricate craftsmanship showcased by professional jewellery designers, under the hood of such big brand names, is simply remarkable!
At your very first glance, you'll be mesmerized by the charm, swiveling to its sultry movements, rocking to the rattle, allured towards that unparalleled sparkle.

At one point in time, I realized that I always had a soft corner for Gold jewellery. Even more, I grew quite particular about my Gold Jewellery taste. When I started to discover more shades of Gold, my priority changed from high carat age to the overall charm that the jewellery adds to my natural grace.

I also started to understand the importance of gold jewellery selection with respect to skin tones. And I'd surely recommend all you Gold jewellery lovers to be more considerate about purchasing jewellery according to your skin tones. A piece of jewellery is supposed to add on to the bodily grace that we all possess naturally, from birth. Adorning Gold or any other form of jewellery is simply a way of celebrating our true beauty, your true beauty.



There can be numerous thoughts behind one’s choice of Gold jewellery. However, when planning to purchase any form of precious metal, there are a few constants that you’ll keep a check on.


Let me brief you about the quintessential.

The Constants for Decision Making

1) Authenticity

Any piece of gold jewellery, if genuine, should always come with a certificate authenticating the same. There’s BIS Hallmark in India, I’ll surely recommend you to collect your authentication certificate whenever you purchase designer gold jewellery. This will help you with jewellery resale as well (in case you wish to in future).


2) Purity

Every precious metal (even precious stones such as Diamond) is measured with respect to its purity. Carat is the unit of measurement. Gold comes in three kinds- 18 Carat, 22 Carat and 24 Carat.
Since pure gold is very soft and difficult to condense into the hard solid state, it is amalgamated with some other non-precious metals such as nickel, copper, aluminum etc. to strengthen it.

3) Color


Just like Purity, color of Gold is another parameter which sets the costing of a Gold jewel item. For you information, Gold is available in three different shades. Rose Gold, white gold and Yellow Gold.

The pink color of rose gold, comes from a pure gold and copper alloy. This sweet-looking metal was first worn in 19th century Russia, earning the moniker “Russian Gold.” says a blog from Trufacet.

Likewise, White gold is prepared by amalgamating pure gold with nickel. After the mixing, it is plated with Rhodium to achieve that brilliant shine.

Beautiful Designer Gold Jewellery Necklace by Hazoorilal by Sandeep Narang


Fantastic combination of Rose, White and Yellow Gold with a Solitaire Diamond of high carat value.


4) Combination


Gold jewellery exists by itself, as well as in combination with other solicit jewel items. For instance, diamonds, precious jewels, other color variants of Gold etc.

Such combinations always become a decisive factor when it comes to setting the price of Gold Jewellery. You will spot such combinations in all the major designer gold jewellery offered by the top jewellery brands in India.


5) Craftsmanship


Exotic craftsmanship and its intricacy is what redefines the value of a piece of Gold jewellery. Since Gold jewellery varies according to the regional diversity in India, even the craftsmanship behind each style would differ and embark a statement by itself.

South Indian Gold jewellery will showcase much detailed craftsmanship, for instance the Temple gold jewellery.






If you be mindful of the points I’ve discussed here in this blog, you’ll surely have a great time purchasing gold jewellery for yourself, or even when gifting someone. Understanding the aforementioned pointers, you’d succeed in better decision making and also understand what all styles suit your need and resonate the best.

Whether it’s a wedding occasion or a particular festival, if you follow all the points mentioned in this blog, you’ll make better purchases, perhaps the best designer gold jewellery that’ll add on to your charm unlike anything else.

Time for you to mesmerize the world with your beauty combined with the eloquence of designer gold jewellery.

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