Tips to Choose the Right Air Cooler to Beat the Heat of Dry Summer

Tips to Choose the Right Air Cooler to Beat the Heat of Dry Summer

Air cooler is the most economical and environment-friendly way to lower the temperature of a room. Mainly designed for the desert areas to heal the people from heat of dry summer days, air cooler is equally popular among the people of humid areas.

Right now, an air cooler is the best cooling gadget for those who are disgusted and exhausted with the heat, but unable to afford an AC. Even after knowing that you need an air cooler, it becomes troublesome to select one until you know the factors to consider before purchase. Don’t worry! Here, we are helping you in doing so.

Calculate Room Size

Different air coolers are designed to cool the rooms of different sizes. That’s why our first tip for you is to measure your room. Based on the height, length, and width of your room, you have to measure the size of your room.

It is mandatory, and if you purchase an air cooler, without knowing your room measurement, you may not experience the optimum cooling effects. Either your room will be excessively chilled or it will get less chilled.

Know the Types

Right after understanding the size of your room, you need to find out which type of air cooler will be ideal for you. There are two types of air coolers: personal air coolers and desert coolers.

In case you don’t want to do the measurement, you may select a personal air cooler for your small to the mid-sized drawing-room, living room, bedroom, or garage. For up to 120 sq. ft. rooms, these personal air coolers work really fine.

On the other hand, if you are looking for an air cooler for a large hall, you have to get the desert coolers. For more details, you may check the recommended CFMs based on room measurements and get an air cooler accordingly.

Check Its Power Consumption

At the time of buying an electronic device, we are always worried about power consumption. That’s why our recommendation is to purchase the cooler with the least power consumption to enjoy cooling effects without worrying about electricity charges.

Know the Cooling Pads

Cooling pads are the essential determiner of cooling effects in an air cooler. These pads absorb water and air becomes cool as it passes through this pad. At present, you can get air coolers with aspen pads or honeycomb pads.

We recommend you to get an air cooler with honeycomb pads because these are more durable and thicker. It ensures more cooling by absorbing more water. Even though it is costly, try to get the honeycomb pads – not the aspen pads.

Ask about Maintenance

Air coolers need low maintenance, but you cannot avoid this if you want to enjoy the cooling effects for a long time. In case, you are not very efficient with maintenance, we recommend you to get an air cooler with the least maintenance.

In air coolers, you only need to wipe the outer part of the portable swamp twice a month. Along with this, you need to clean the cooling media once a month and replace that when it malfunctions. During winter, don’t forget to drain the water before keeping it aside.

That’s all! We believe that it will not be very difficult for you to maintain the air cooler.

Get a Cooler with Larger Water Storage

Air coolers cool your room in the evaporative cooling method. So, getting an air cooler with larger water storage will always be better. The evaporating process will keep going as the cooling media will have constant access to water from the larger storage.

No matter, you are purchasing a personal cooler or a desert cooler – look for decent storage capacity in it.

Consider the Features

If you are obsessed with the modern features, you may need additional features like inverter compatibility, adjustable speed control, water level indicator, empty water tank alert, an ice-cube tray and so on. Air coolers of the higher price will enable you with all these to ensure more cooling in a smart way.

If you want to invest in a really good air cooler that can fulfill all your requirements, you have to follow all the tips mentioned here. Along with this, you have to understand how much money you can spend on the air cooler. In the market, you will get so many affordable air coolers with some really cool features to make the summer days bearable.

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