5 Signs You Should See a Spine Doctor

5 Signs You Should See a Spine Doctor

Back injuries and other spinal problems can induce a variety of symptoms, including some you might not expect. If they go together with the back pain, they may be connected.

But how do you know when to start searching for a “spine doctor near me”? If you have any of the issues below, a spine expert could help you feel better.

1. You Feel Weak or Numb in Your Arms, Hands, Legs, or Feet

Weakness, numbness, or tingling in your extremities (arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, and toes) may signal a problem with your spine in the lumbar (lower back). This is because the nerves that connect these portions of your body to your brain pass through the spine and can become squeezed as they travel from the brain to the arms or legs. 

This could be due to a herniated (slipped) disc, a bone spur, or a restriction of the space within the spinal canal known as stenosis. Depending on the cause, these issues may resolve over time, but a spine specialist can assist in discovering the underlying cause of these symptoms and provide relief.

2. You Notice Changes in the Agility of Your Fingers and Hands

The vertebrae of your upper back and neck connect the spinal column to your arms, hands, and fingers. Changes in the area may impair your ability to perform duties that involve the use of your hands.

These symptoms, like those observed in the lower spine, can be caused by a variety of spinal disorders. A spine specialist can conduct a physical examination and recommend scans such as X-rays, MRIs, or CT scans to pinpoint the source of the problem.

3. You're Experiencing Persistent Neck or Back Ache

Although not all spinal disorders elicit pain at the point of injury or damage, a few do. Slipped discs can cause pain or discomfort in the area surrounding the disc. Osteoarthritis, which is caused by the loss of protective cartilage around the bones, can cause back or neck pain if the vertebrae rub together. Osteoporosis, a disorder in which the bones become brittle due to aging, can result in tiny fractures in the vertebrae that cause pain.

If you suffer back or neck discomfort after a little accident, for example, slipping on ice, and it does not go away as quickly as you believe it should, this would be another reason to go to the If your discomfort persists after a few days, you should consult your primary care doctor first.

Back and neck discomfort can be caused by conditions other than the spine's bones, such as muscle and ligament strains. A spine specialist, such as a physiatrist (a sports medicine doctor who specializes in nonsurgical therapies), can prescribe physical therapy and may also give alternative treatments for these disorders.

4. You Detect a Change in Your Spine's Position or One Shoulder Being Higher Than the Other

Scoliosis is a misalignment of the spinal column. Most individuals associate scoliosis with spinal screenings they received as children, either at school or at the pediatrician's office. While scoliosis is most commonly diagnosed in the preteen or adolescent years, it can also develop later in life as a result of arthritis or other degenerative back problems.

Scoliosis is defined by an S-shaped bend in the vertebrae. It frequently causes misalignment of the shoulders, waist, and hips. It can also generate a hump on the back, either between the shoulder blades or further down.

Scoliosis, depending on its severity, can be treated with treatment or surgery, or doctors may simply monitor it to ensure it does not worsen.

5. You Have Issues With Bowel or Bladder Control

If you experience tingling or numbness in your groin area and are unable to use the restroom normally, you may be suffering from cauda equina syndrome. This disorder is caused by nerve compression at the base of the spinal column. 

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