Pros & Cons of Vinyl Flooring and Its Types

Pros & Cons of Vinyl Flooring and Its Types
Carpet Express

Vinyl flooring is an option for homeowners who need a durable and economical alternative to hardwood. Vinyl has been designed to almost mimic any naturally occurring flooring material. This allows you to enjoy the appearance of hardwood without the related cost. There are many benefits of installing a vinyl floor over any other.

Pros of Vinyl Flooring

The benefits of vinyl will be presented in relation to other flooring materials and with vinyl as a stand-alone flooring material.


vinyl flooring materials are made of synthetic materials that are not easily damaged by natural elements. Vinyl can withstand heavy traffic without fading or get damaged. This includes traffic that is rough on the surface like materials being dragged.


Compared to the price of purchasing and installing vinyl, this is one of the flooring materials that give the best value for your money. Despite vinyl being extremely affordable, it lasts incredibly long and can be used on almost all surfaces.


vinyl flooring materials come in different forms. They include sheet vinyl flooring, tiles, and planks. Furthermore, these materials offer three different types of surfaces to meet the needs of dynamic floors. These surface options are urethane, vinyl-no wax, and enhanced urethane. The texture and durability of these surfaces differ.


vinyl has been used to mimic almost all other natural types of floors. There are planks that resemble wood, carpets, and even modern-innovative flooring options like a sea, sky, and other landscapes. In fact, customized vinyl enables you to create any floor design that you wish. This variety almost makes it impossible to miss your preferred floor design.


the cost of vinyl is reasonably low compared to all other flooring materials. With such characteristics as water resistance and versatility, you will be getting the most affordable flooring material. Mimicking, for example, enables you to install a ‘wooden’ floor at a fraction of the price.

Easy to install and maintain

vinyl resists water and can be installed on almost any type of surface. Maintenance requires regular cleaning with plain water and a rag. Technology has enabled the surface to maintain its shade despite years of high traffic use.

Water resistant

vinyl is a synthetic material that does not soak up any water. This provides a perfect floor option for areas such as the kitchen or bathroom where water frequently spills. The fact that the tiles do not soak water means that the subfloor will remain intact.

Cons of Vinyl Flooring

Other advantages you enjoy with vinyl flooring include comfort as you walk on the surface and an improvement in the quality of air in rooms installed with vinyl tiles. However, vinyl has its own shortcomings. Here are some of them:

Easily damaged

vinyl is a synthetic material that is easily damaged by heavy loads or traffic on the surface. This will reduce the quality and appearance of your floor. Since the tiles are easy to damage, they will require frequent replacement which makes it expensive.

Less stylish

Though the appearance can be deceiving, a person walking on the floor will tell that you are using vinyl instead of wood or carpet.


vinyl surface is noisy compared to natural wood. This is especially true because of the hard surface in an attempt to make it durable and the fact that vinyl tiles or sheets are extremely thin. You will sometimes be required to use rugs to absorb some of the noise.

Easily fades

the floor easily fades when it is exposed to direct sunlight for a prolonged period. This would limit the use of vinyl in outdoor spaces or areas that have large windows. It is advisable that you draw curtains whenever the sun is too hot and penetrating into the house. Discoloration will affect the appearance of your floor especially when you move or rearrange furniture.

Easily damaged by heat or sun

vinyl is made of urethane, a type of plastic that changes properties once subjected to heat. Direct sun will even damage the floor if it exceeds a certain temperature and shines for a prolonged period. This may affect the integrity of your floor. This limits the places you can use vinyl flooring.

There are different types of vinyl flooring materials based on their design and size. They include:

1. Sheet Vinyl Flooring

Sheet Vinyl flooring comes as a single sheet that is usually between 6 and 12 feet wide. Sheets are developed to reduce the number of seams on your floor. It is, therefore, a perfect option when you need to keep moisture away from the surface. However, in case of damage, you will need to repair a wide area. Furthermore, it will appear naturally synthetic. This is a perfect option for kitchens and bathrooms because it prevents penetration of water to the subfloor.

2. Vinyl Tiles

They are designed like natural ceramic tiles. They come in different sizes and shapes, which allows you to create patterns on your floor. You will have more seams on your floor. The advantage is that such tiles are easy to replace in case one tile gets damaged.

3. Vinyl Plank

They resemble wood because they are long and rectangular in shape. The idea is to give you a floor that resembles hardwood. This will come at a lower cost yet offer numerous advantages. Planks, like tiles and sheets, are water resistant and not easily stained.

Vinyl offers excellent value for your money and a variety of floor options to choose from. It is easy to install and costs less to repair and maintain. Vinyl is also versatile and durable which guarantees excellent value for your money.  

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