11 Exterior Upgrades to Refresh your Home

Illuminated home exterior

When it comes to owning a home, it is the small details that make all the difference. There are little, convenient, and cheap things you can do to make your home a more pleasant place to live in and look at. Or, if you choose to go big, some wise investments can make your home look better and increase its value.

No matter how big or small your budget is, this article will give you some ideas on how to refresh your home’s exterior and make it look nicer and even more valuable than before. 

Get a new mailbox

When thinking about redecorating the outside of your home, the mailbox is often overlooked. But, consider how much spice just a fresh coat of paint can bring to your old rusty mailbox.

You can either repaint the existing mailbox or build a new one from scratch. If money is too tight, there is no shame in buying a new one. 

Paint the front door...

Another thing that can be all freshened up by a fresh coat of paint is your front door. This is a simple DIY project that can be completed within a single weekend. 

Once you see how much better your place looks with a freshly painted front door, you might even consider repainting it in a different shade or color every six months or so. Just keep in mind the style of your house and the overall aesthetics you’re going for, and you’re good to go. 

...And the deck, too

Now that you have the entire vision of how your home is going to look and the whole color palette already in your mind, show your deck or porch some love, too. 

Since it is completely open, a deck could benefit from a fresh coat of paint even more than a porch. Plus, if you like the weathered look and patterns, you could just go over it with some clear color and preserve the look you are used to. 

Update your house numbers

Updating your house numbers is yet another way for you to rejuvenate your home’s exterior without breaking the bank. Head over to your local arts and crafts store and find beautiful wooden or metal numbers for a quick DIY project.

A new house number is a great way to increase your home’s curb appeal. 

Add some lights

This is an upgrade that will be visible only during the night, but a well-placed light or two (or six) can really make the look of your home pop.

Add soffit lights to highlight the house’s architecture, ground lights to accent trees or high bushes, and some porch lights to create a welcome glow near the front door. Consider adding light near your house’s number sign, too. 

Make the place more flowery

By extending your flower garden to the front of your property, you will make your place look more homely and welcoming. Flowers make everyone happy and make your neighborhood prettier. A nice, well-maintained flower garden will make your home stand out from the rest.

If you are not that into gardening, a few permanent planters around your stone-paved walkway at the front of the house can be enough to do the trick. Planters offer a four-season opportunity to decorate the exterior with timely color and accents. Besides, those planters’ color can be just what you need to add some spark and character to your home. 

Upgrade and update the rainwater goods

Unlike most of the suggestions listed here, this idea is a bit on the pricey side. But, replacing the continuous spouting, downpipes, and rainwater heads can bring a whole new look to your home’s exterior. 

The one thing that you should pay extra attention to is the longevity of the materials you choose. Cast iron has an average lifespan of 50 years, PVC 30 years, aluminum 40 years, zinc 50 years, and timber, depending on the species, will last on average for 40 years if it has been maintained correctly.

Go green 

Another investment that will bring you benefits for many years to come is spending money on an eco-friendly addition to your home

Upgrade your outdoor home with eco-friendly amenities such as a green roof with vegetation or get solar panels and landscape lighting powered by solar energy and reclaimed materials for your home’s exterior. These add-ons can add value to your home.

Add a bird feeder

Here’s another cheap yet effective way to make your place more lively. Add a bird feeder for the birds to visit near a kitchen or living room window, and it will brighten your day. 

If you are crafty, build it by yourself, or consider buying a bird feeder. If you do shop for one, search for an option that has anti-squirrel features. 

Install a front door kick plate

A kick plate is a broad strip of polished metal placed horizontally along the bottom edge of a front door to protect it from scratches, kicks, and dog paws.

Replace your old kick plate with a new one, or install a kick plate if you haven’t used one before. They are decorative as well as functional.

When it comes to picking the material for your kick plate, brass is the traditional choice, but these days pewter and antique bronze are popular options. 

Consider placing a log cabin in your backyard

If you are looking for a way to add some serious value to your property, think about adding a small log cabin to your yard. 

The best thing about log cabins is their versatility. Log cabins make for a great home office or a home gym. They are also a great way to add extra rooms to your place without making a substantial investment. On the other hand, when and if you choose to sell your home, it will increase its overall value and marketability, even if the future owners opt to use it as a tool shed or plain storage space. 

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