5 Cleaning Tips For Spotless Carpets

Professional carpet maintenance

Homeowners often presume that their carpets and upholstery are clean simply because they look like that. However, this is not universally true, because carpets that look spotless may be a ground for breeding bacteria and allergens, having dust and soil below the surface. To prolong the life and appearance of your carpets and upholstery, you should have them maintained properly and also clean them at least twice a year. With a little more attention to the details in your home, you will make a small step towards a cleaner and healthier home.

Basic Carpet Care

Traditionally, one of the most popular ways to clean the carpet and the floor is by vacuuming, which is actually something that must be done at least once a week. Dirt can easily works its way down into the fibres and acts like sandpaper that breaks down each tuft, leaving it lumpy. Combined with oil residues it is carried through the air and glues itself on the carpet. So, next time you procrastinate the vacuuming, think of all the problems that may come if you do not clean the carpet. Plus it is a great way to stretch. Make sure to rotate the furniture from time to time, doing so you will prevent premature carpet wear.

Emergencies  Happen

To many of us have happened at least once to spill liquid on the carpet. It such situations time is of the essence. The sooner you clean it up, the better. And don’t be fooled that the spill is the same colour as the carpet. Over time it will change its colour and will become a visible stain. The very first step to clean the spill is to blot up the liquid  with some paper towels or tissues. Avoid adding any liquids to the spot, simply because it will become larger, harder to clean and will sink deeper into the material. Just try to absorb as much liquid as possible.

Use Cleaning Detergents Properly

When using a special cleaning detergent, but it is a new one and never had the chance to test it until now, place a few drops on an inconspicuous part of the carpet and wait to see how it will affect. Wait between 10 and 15 seconds and check if any of the carpet colours have seeped through the paper towel. Assuming it has happened, it’s best to call a professional.

If nothing went wrong, you may proceed with cleaning the carpet.

Usually, it is best to use the least amount of the cleaning solution as possible. Also, try to work from the outside of the stain and towards the center, this way you will avoid spreading it. Keep in mind not to rub the carpet too hard and damage its fibres. If after all the efforts you have made the stain still remains do not hesitate to call a pro.

Act Quickly

Virtually not all stains can be cleaned. Areas, that have been bleached, whether by sunlight or liquid bleach can sometimes be re-dyed by a professional, but nonetheless, don’t expect a perfect color match.

Food stains can also be hard to get out, as they contain a lot of food colouring and are sometimes impossible to remove. In such cases, again - time is of the essence to avoid a permanent stain.

When sugar is involved, things are getting a little bit subjective. It may look as if the carpet is all perfectly fine, but on the other hand, as sugar attracts the dirt so effectively, it also attracts similar in colour dirt to the material. You will have to look closer to notice the underlying stain.

In Times Of  Need - Call a Pro

Most homeowners not always have the proper equipment to deal with their carpets and upholstery. Many professional carpet cleaning companies use hot water extraction as a cleaning method. It is also referred as “steam” cleaning, but does not really involve any steam. Simply, the carpet is treated with a cleaning solution and afterwards it is forced out with very hot rinse detergent under high pressure and then vacuumed out. When it is done properly, it will not leave any soap behind, the carpet will be deep cleaned and all possible allergens removed.

In conclusion, no matter how much you vacuum the carpet, a professional care sometimes is needed. Hiring a carpet cleaning company saves you time and the need to buy many and expensive unnecessary cleansers. Without the proper care, the floor in your home will start looking dirty and faded, and the fibres will start to lose their fullness too. To prevent these issues try to regularly maintain your carpets.

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