6 Things to Pack for Your Winter Trip to the Cabin

6 Things to Pack for Your Winter Trip to the Cabin

Knowing what to bring for your trip to the mountains can become even more crucial during the colder winter months. While embracing a snowy wonderland is all a part of the fun, you will want to make sure you’re warm and cozy when you’re bundled up indoors. To make sure you are properly prepared to tackle a cabin retreat during winter, take a glance at the suggestions given below.

Extra Clothing Essentials

While remembering socks and underwear is already a great first step, you will want to take things a bit further and go out of your way to pack extra pairs of each. In addition to spare pairs of those cozy novelty cotton socks that display your holiday spirit, pack extra socks that are appropriate for any outdoor activities you may be engaging in, such as hiking, skiing or snowboarding. You will want to make sure you always have a clean and fresh pair of socks on hand especially if some end up damaged or damp due to the weather. Pack extra pairs of underwear as well. If you are planning a trip to an extra chilly place, you may want to invest in some thermal underwear that will help keep you warm all throughout the night. Thermal clothing will help keep you warm when cuddled up in bed while also helping you stay nice and cozy while traveling in frigid conditions during the day.

Variety of Indoor Entertainment

While you may be committed to spending a good chunk of your time on the slopes, you will want to be sure to pack items that will provide you with entertainment for nights that you spend indoors. Bring along DVDs and CDs if you have room. You can also make sure you are set up with a variety of streaming services for both music and movies if you want to cut down on how many items you’re bringing along. Pack a few decks of cards for traditional card games alongside some board games for easy group fun. For larger groups, consider mobile apps or kits that will make it easy for your party to play charades, Pictionary and trivia.

Spare and Portable Chargers

You will want to make sure you are always able to use your phone when necessary. Make sure you pack plenty of extra chargers in case you lose any while at the cabin or one gets damaged. You will also want to bring portable chargers that you charge in advance so that you can keep your phone’s battery up even while out of the cabin. Consider bringing along a spare laptop charger if you end up bringing your laptop along.

Warm and Cozy Hats

When it comes to staying warm, one of the best ways you can keep yourself toasty is to invest in a good winter hat. Look for several comfortable options that will serve you well regardless of whether you are cozied up inside or out on a winter hike. To keep things extra toasty, you may want to look into different earmuff options as well.

Gloves and Mittens

Make sure you bring several pairs of gloves and mittens with you on your trip. Mittens will generally keep your hands warmer, but gloves may make for a more comfortable experience depending on what activities you are engaging in. You may also want to grab a pair of gloves that are touchscreen-friendly so that you can still use your smartphone while bundled up.

Sunscreen and Lip Balm

Sunscreen isn’t just for summer. Pack plenty of sunscreen and use it liberally when you’re spending time outside. You will also want to invest in lip balm that will prevent your lips from getting chapped despite being exposed to dry winter winds. Make sure you grab a lip balm that provides you with UV protection as well.

Make sure you set aside plenty of time to pack in advance so that you won’t forget anything you need. By being prepared, you can ensure you’ll have a fantastic winter holiday at the cabin.

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