8 Foods You Should Avoid While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding Tips

When you’re breastfeeding, whatever you eat is passed on to your little one through your breast milk. Consequently, you’re required to be extra careful about you’re eating or drinking during the entire lactation period. Although there are no hard and fast rules about the flavors you can enjoy while breastfeeding, you’re advised to avoid certain foods as they might cause your baby several physical and mental problems. These food items are listed below:

Coffee and Caffeinated Tea:

If you love coffee, then this might make you sad. When you drink coffee, caffeinated soda or tea, some amount of caffeine ends up in your breast milk. As a result, your baby becomes irritable, cranky and sleepless since he is not able to process caffeine as quickly as you do. So if you want your child to sleep better, limit your caffeine intake to once per day.


Just like coffee and soda, chocolates do have bits of caffeine too. Moreover, it contains a substance called theobromine which is quite similar to caffeine in terms of its stimulant effects. That means if you consume too many chocolates during lactation, your little one might become fussy and jittery. So try to stay away from chocolates while breastfeeding.


Studies show that alcohol can affect a baby’s eating and sleeping patterns. However, occasional use of alcohol is not harmful to the baby; you need to worry only if you’re a moderate or heavy drinker. While you may enjoy a glass of glass of wine or beer once in awhile, it’s highly suggested to avoid all alcohol consumption until your baby is three months old.


Since garlic is so strong, it can change the flavor and smell of your breast milk. While some babies find garlic’s telltale aroma so delicious, others don't like it and thereby refuse to approach the breast. So depending on your baby's taste preferences, decide yourself whether or not you need to eat garlicky foods.


If you or other members of your family are allergic to peanuts, make sure to avoid peanut products until you wean your little one. Despite being a good source of protein, peanuts can cause your baby skin allergies like rashes, wheezing, hives, or eczema. But, if your baby is not allergic to peanuts, you may consider consuming peanuts or peanut products during breastfeeding.


Even if broccoli, cauliflower, and beans are a great source of folic acid, it would be better to avoid them during the first month of breastfeeding. Since these foods are known to cause gas and take more time to digest than other foods, your little one might feel unusually gassy every time you feed him. To avoid this, eat other fruits and vegetables (like spinach) instead of gassy vegetables.


Many babies, who are intolerant to dairy products, also show signs of soy allergies. So if your baby is fussy even after you switched to soy products from dairy products, he is likely to suffer from tummy problems caused by the soy presented in your diet. Try eliminating the soy from your diet!

Shellfish and Fish High in Mercury:

Fish is undoubtedly one of the most nutritious foods but being a breastfeeding woman, you must avoid eating fish that contain high levels of mercury, like a shark, swordfish, tilefish and king mackerel. Instead, consider eating low-mercury fish such as salmon, catfish, cod, shrimp and canned light tuna.

Hopefully, this article helped you understand which kind of food you should not eat while Breastfeeding. You also need a breastfeeding cover to make your breastfeeding life easier and comfortable. Here is an exclusive collection of nursing covers that will help you protect your privacy while you breastfeed your baby in public.

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