The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Window Cleaning

Cleaning the windows is not a job that features high on a list of priorities for many UK homeowners but the truth of the matter is that it really isn't that difficult but can be rather time-consuming if you're trying to do the whole house. When it comes to window cleaning in London and the whole of the UK has plenty of alternatives if you'd rather use the services of professional. It's not that expensive and will save you from climbing a ladder and certainly free up your time. For those of you who'd rather give it a go yourself here's some handy tips and a useful guide to walk you through the process of achieving shiny, sparkling windows.

Get the Right Tools

The first step is to get hold of the right tools for the job. You won't go far wrong if you include a good squeegee in your window cleaning arsenal and remember to keep it fitted with a new rubber blade. They aren't very expensive and are regularly used by many window cleaning professionals. You'll also need a scraper, bucket, washing up liquid, lint-free rags or some small towels. When you buy your squeegee make sure you buy a few replacement rubber blades at the same time as it'll pay dividends to regularly replace the blade.

Cleaning Windows in 7 Easy Steps

  1. First make up a solution of water and washing liquid. 1 teaspoon to 2 gallons of water is plenty. Dip the scrubber into the solution and squeeze out the excess water.
  2. Scrub the glass back and forth, working into all the corners and make sure you cover every inch of the pane.
  3. With the squeegee start cleaning a narrow strip of the glass. Hold the squeegee so that just one corner contacts and work your way vertically down the side of the window. This narrow strip will make it much easier to start working horizontally.
  4. Now press the whole of the squeegee blade against the glass and starting in the top corner pull it across the window in one steady, fluid movement. Keep the top of the squeegee running along the top of the window.
  5. After every stroke, wipe the squeegee with a clean towel or the scrubber to remove excess water and dirt.
  6. When you run the next stroke across the window overlap it by about 2 inches and angle it so the water runs down the window. Wipe the blade and continue down the window.
  7. Once you've worked your way down the window use a rag to wipe any excess water along the window's bottom edge. Then with your finger pushed into a dry spot wipe the lint free rag around the edge of the window. If you spot some streaks then wipe them off using a clean, dry area of the lint-free rag and change it for a clean one when it gets too wet to be effective.

This method is very good for the external surfaces of your windows but a squeegee can also be used indoors. Professional windows cleaners always use a scrubber and squeegee and the trick when working indoors is to squeeze excess water out of the scrubber to prevent too many drips. After a while, you will need to rinse out the scrubber but it really depends on how dirty your windows are. You might be able to clean as many as 10 windows before it needs a clean. Keep a rag tucked into your pocket to wipe excess water from the squeegee and rest your tools on the edge of your bucket rather than putting them in the water to soak.

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