Dashlane Android App to Enhance and Secure Your Smartphone Web Experience

These days, people have rapidly started using smartphones for web browsing, shopping, banking, etc. When it comes to eComerce, banking, social networking, etc., people also need to take care of their Internet security. Complying with the Internet security norms, they create online accounts and keep their online data protected through passwords. Dashlane app is of great help here. In this article, you will read more about this app.

Even while browsing the web through smartphones, users need a good password management tool. Dashlane is the best password manager rated by thousands of users. Earlier the tool was available for desktops and laptops only. But, now the Dashlane app is available for Android and iOS devices. Thus, users will be able to access their password database and enjoy the high-end Dashlane’s features even from their mobile devices.

Installing the App

If you are using a smartphone with Android 4.0 or higher versions, then you can use this app. To use this app on your Android device, you just need to download and install it. It’s a free password manager and available for download on the Google Play app store. To get the app installed, you have to fulfill the minimum requirements. If your device runs on Android 3.0, then also you can download and install this app, but you won’t get the latest version of this password management tool. Not installing the latest version means your app will not receive the security updates. Since, it’s a tool for password security thus you should use only the latest version of Dashlane app. That way, you will have access to the most recent features of this app and security of the app will also not get compromised.

Using the App

Just like its PC version even through this app, you will have access to your login credentials stored in the Dashlane’s password database. You can store not just the passwords, but also other information like credit card numbers, ID cards numbers, address, contact details, etc. If you are serious about your Internet security and want to enjoy seamless logging into your online accounts, then having this app will be very beneficial to you. It will keep your online accounts’ password safe by keeping your password database encrypted. On top of that, you will have an easy access to all your online accounts. The app will autofill your login credentials so that you can quickly log into the websites that you frequently browse.

What the App Can Do?

This app aims at making your web experience over the smartphone easy and safe. Having the app on your smartphone is a kind of assurance that you are using strong and unique passcodes for all your online accounts. Besides, it ensures that you will have easy access to all your passcodes even while you are on the go. Probably you can’t carry your laptop to everywhere, and certainly your desktop is rooted to your bedroom or study room, but your smartphone is something that you surely carry everywhere. Thus, if you want to access your password database all the time, then having Dashlane app is essential.

The app is capable of doing the following:

  • It encrypts and stores your credit cards, contacts, IDs, and passwords.
  • In just one click, it can log you into other apps and websites.
  • Using the Digital Wallet feature, you can make quick and secure online payments.
  • The app sends you security breach alerts.
  • It creates unique and strong passwords for all your online accounts.
  • It encrypts your data with AES-256 encryption. It’s the industry’s leading standard.
  • The app is compatible with Google Authenticator.
  • You can access your Dashlane data even if you have no Internet connection.
  • You can enhance the security of the app with its two-step verification factor.


If, for most of the time, you go online from your smartphone and use your device for social networking, online purchasing, banking and other purposes, then Dashlane app is a must for you. Even the Android app version has almost all the features that the desktop version has. However, this free password manager currently can’t save and track the receipts for your purchases on an Android device. However, most likely the feature will soon get available with the Android app.

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