Different Coping Strategies For Couples To Deal With Infertility Emotionally


When a couple is unable to conceive a baby naturally after trying for more than 1 year or is facing regular miscarriages then this situation is medically named as infertility. With a change in lifestyles and stressful schedules, there has been an increase in many couples seeking treatment for having a baby. 

Not able to have a baby can have a serious psychological and emotional affect on couples such as depression, distress, stigma, rage, and feeling of being alone and dejected, among many other feelings. Usually, in couples, women tend to face more turmoil than men as they go through social pressure of not being able to bear a baby as well. 

It is very important to explore different coping strategies to deal with this phase and treatments, which can adversely affect couples emotionally and psychologically.

Let us dig through different coping strategies that a couple can adopt to overcome this emotional time.

Coping strategies

Learning about infertility can be a challenging time for couples, though there is no one way to cope since everyone has their way of coping. However, we have listed a few useful strategies that can help you regain confidence and a sense of control over the situation.

Interact and involve with your friends and family

You may feel that your friends and family can only say to “be positive “or “do not lose hope “because even they will not know what to say to make you feel comfortable. However, you need to understand that they are worried and concerned too. Interact and be communicative with them, this will help in venting out all the stress that you are facing.

Consult a counsellor

It can be comforting to talk to people who are not your family member or your friend. These professionals will help you overcome this situation by providing you impactful solution to your emotions. These professionals can be anyone, your doctor, a psychologist, or a fertility counsellor, as they can understand your situation in a much better way. 

Your fertility clinic may also provide you counselling which is part of their treatment. Like at Crysta fertility platform, not only they provide efficient treatment, they also provide fertility counselling that includes planning and dealing with the whole course of action. You will be able to discuss your feeling towards the treatment, coping with unsuccessful attempts, stress, and any other major concern you might face during this time.

Talking to people who are sailing in the same boat

Talking to people who are facing the same situation can help you bond and makes you feel less alone. Interacting with such people helps in adopting a more tried and tested practical coping approach. You never know what helped others might help you too.

Your infertility clinic can help you in putting a support group where meeting other couples with the same problems, becomes a possibility. 

Try different relaxation and meditation exercises

Try for yoga, meditation, dance class, or any kind of art class where you can meet and interact with different people, which can help in reducing stress, and anxiety that you are facing. This will help in taking off your mind from all the treatment and pressure of not becoming parents off. Dance, art, trekking, or any other social activities act as real stress busters. 

When you need to say NO

If you feel talking to people around you is causing you more harm than help, it’s time to say no to questions asked to you regarding not able to conceive or having a baby. It is always better to take your time and space to understand and process all that is happening with you. 

You can take other options such as writing blogs, journals, or adopting a creative way to express your frustration and anxiety. 

Your family members or friends, out of concern will intervene but you can always politely refuse them to answer and ask for time and space for you to open up. 

Summing up

Infertility is not a disease, it is nothing to be frowned upon or feel dejected from. Focus on giving yourself time and patience to adjust to the situation. Try different stress management techniques and skills that help you to remain calm, because stress has proven to worsen infertility.

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