Gum Disease Receding Gums Treatments And Causes

receding gums

Receding gums may have various causes including the presence of tartar, a shortage of vitamin, smoking or burning by hot food. The use of an 'aggressive' toothpaste or mouth water can also cause problems. The hypersensitive dental tissue is often treated with specific agents. This article explains the causes and symptoms, and you will read some clever tips that will relieve pain on the gums.

Causes of pain in gums

There Are Numerous Reasons Why The Gums Recede:

  • Inflammation of gums_ when the gums are red and swollen and bleeding during bleeding, there may be receding gums. In most cases, a gingival infection is caused by poor oral hygiene. Only a toothpick appears to be insufficient for many people. 
  • Jawbone - In rare cases, if there is one very painful place, a jawbone will probably be the offender.
  • Dry mouth. In a dry mouth, bacteria can survive more easily and irritate the gums. Therefore, avoid dry mouth by drinking enough water and possibly using a wetting gel or spray. 
  • Herpes Simplex virus - If the entire oral mucous is full of vesicles and sore throats, there may be infection with the herpes simplex virus.
  • Glucose sensitivity may occur after drawing a sense of skinny. This is about to happen again.
  • Pregnancy - Pregnancy can lead to sensitive gums.
  • The use of mouthwash or toothpaste with sodium lauryl sulfate, alcohol and menthol is so aggressive that it can result in irritation to the gums. Choose preferable for mouth-friendly products with active oxygen, zinc and aloe Vera or natural ingredients such as Natures smile gum balm.
  • Fluffy, sharp teeth, hot food, vitamin deficiency, smoking, alcohol, tartar, dental plaque, too hard brushing, tongue bacteria, diabetes, and HIV can cause receding gums.


Receding Gums Symptoms


Of all possible causes of pain in the gums, inflammation is the most seen. Gingivitis can be very annoying. The gums are irritated, red and swollen. In severe gum inflammation, the pain is sometimes so severe that it leads to sleepless nights. It can also lead to bad breath. Receding gums is usually a reaction of the body to excessive formation of dental plaque and tartar in which bacteria are present that affect the gums. Removing toothbrush and toothpaste will, therefore, reduce the sensitivity of the gum. Remove dental plaque under the gum twice a day with a flush bowl.

Removing a toothbrush can be done at the dentist, although there are also people who remove self-contained tartar with a hook. 


What to do against receding gums in the event of inflammation? 
Swollen gums can be prevented by maintaining the teeth properly. In this article, you will find an overview of the best 10 remedies against swollen gums. 

A jawbone gives a sometimes unbearable pain that can be accompanied by fever. The pain usually concentrates in one place where a cavity is formed. Also, the cheek can be thick or red.

A jawbone can be confused with a toothache, which is caused by an inflammation of the nerve or root of a tooth or choke. The pain itself can be suppressed with an analgesic, but it is definitely advisable to visit the general practitioner for further treatment.

These small, gray-white spots, which often have a red border, can be very painful. Sometimes they also give a burning feeling. Evening, officially called Stomatitis Aphthosa, is inflammation on the inside of the cheek or lips, and sometimes on the gums or the tongue. There may also be small pebbles. 

Herpes Simplex

This virus occurs mainly in children. They eat less and drink, sometimes fever and sometimes cry from pain. There may be a lot of swollen and stale gums. Sometimes there are also small ulcers in the mouth, tongue, and lips. These ulcers can be crotch-shaped and have yellow edges. The pain can be reduced with an analgesic. The prevention and treatment of the Herpes Simplex virus are difficult, as well as a visit to the GP is recommended.


Sweets, smoking and unhealthy eating make the mucous membrane more vulnerable. Adjusting your lifestyle

Gum Disease Receding Gums Treatments

Gum disease receding gums treatments can be done in different ways. Below are some tips that help reduce sensitivity.


1. Gum massage. The massage of gums results in a good blood flow which allows healthy body cells to better and cure inflammation. 

2. Rinsing and brushing with caring and soothing products can treat receding gums. Rinse with active oxygen, sodium bicarbonate, carrageenan, xylitol, zinc, Aloe Vera and tea tree oil do not only combat bacteria in a mouth-watering manner, but at the same time, you build a hydrated, oxygen-rich and fresh oral cavity. 

3. Remove Tartar. Removing toothbrush will help to strengthen gums and reduce the sensitivity of dental tissue. 

4. Floss. Perhaps flosses are even more important than toothpicks. With floss wire, you also remove the bacteria that have hidden in the gum edges (sulcus). Many people find flosses with old-fashioned floss wire annoying, time-consuming and painful. 

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