Home Problems That Should Definitely Not Be Ignored

Home Problems That Should Definitely Not Be Ignored

There is hardly a home on the planet that is perfect in the sense that everything inside it is functioning as it is. We are not talking about family relations but about malfunctioning appliances, squeaky doors and windows, peeling paint, and countless other household problems. Some of these are more acute than others and should definitely not be ignored. If your home is experiencing any of the following “red flags,” be sure to react instantly.

The appearance of mold and mildew

Mold is a common sight in the kitchen and the bathroom, where you can easily wipe it from the tiles using nothing but a wet cloth. However, once mold or even words, mildew starts making its appearance on the walls of the living room, you need to go the extra length to clean it up.

Mold appears in spaces with moisture and poor air ventilation. That’s why tiny mold spots might appear after you take a shower but don’t open the windows or turn on the ventilation in the bathroom. Mold on bedroom or living room walls, on the other hand, are indicative of water damage to your home. Quite often, the roof over your head is to blame for this issue.

Inspecting the roof

A millimeter-wide hole in the roof is enough to cause water damage below if left untreated over a prolonged period. Water seeping through the cracks in the roof will first damage the attic and then pour down through the walls into the living quarters. Even worse, the supporting beams to the roof will start to rot away endangering the whole structure!

Climbing onto the roof should be done at least once a year. While on the roof, you can inspect its surface for missing tiles or shingles, inspect the flashings, and clear the gutters from any debris that might have accumulated. Inspecting the attic areas should be done more frequently because you have ease of access.

A pool of water outside

It is every homeowner’s dream to have a verdant lawn in front of their house. However, their hopes and dreams are often tarnished after heavy rainfall when they spot a sizable pool of water appear in the middle of the lawn.

The reasons for water staying above ground longer than usual are multitude: from earth full of clay, across an incline in terrain, all the way to poor drainage. The latter is perhaps the most serious issue because poor drainage can lead to the house getting flooded during a summer downpour.

Faulty electrical lines

Of the leading cause of home fires are faulty electrical lines. Namely, if you have bought your house, then who knows when the power lines and cables inside walls were last inspected or if ever. Over time, the insulation around the metal wears off and the wires become exposed, creating the ideal conditions for a home fire, resulting in property damage and possibly human casualties. Preventing such a scenario from occurring involves ringing the local electrician company to come and inspect the power grids if the house. They will be able to diagnose problematic spots without having to tear down walls.

Strange sounds coming from the HVAC

There is nothing more pleasing than owning a heating and air conditioning system. You are probably used to the sounds its exterior unit makes from time to time but when the HVAC starts to sputter, bang, violently jump or make a squealing sound, know that something is not right.

The louder and the more unusual the sound, the greater the reason for concern. There is a number of reason why the HVAC unit is producing weird sounds, from worn-out belts to a faulty compressor. Anyhow, contacting an HVAC technician should be the first order of business.

A nasty smell coming from the drains

Whether it’s the sink in the bathroom or in the kitchen, it should reek from inside it. A nasty smell coming from the drains and sink inside your home is an indicator that something is wrong. Most often, food leftovers or other organic waste get lodged inside the piping, rotting away and emanating an unpleasant odor.

Luckily, you can clean the drains fast by using a homemade mixture consisting of baking soda and white vinegar. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the concoction to make the drains smell of summer.

A wobbly stair railing

We don’t have to explain in detail how much a wobbly stair railing is dangerous, especially if you have kids in the house. Even if it doesn’t seem like the handrails are loose much, you should tape it off immediately and repair it as soon as possible. If the wood glue inside dried up, the whole structure could give way at any given time!

There are imperfections inside your home you can tolerate for years, like a poorly painted wall or a missing light bulb. However, there are at least 7 home problems you should definitely not ignore and react to them as soon as you notice them.

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