How do You Know if Your Upholstery Needs Cleaning?

5 signs that you need Professional Upholstery Cleaning Services

Furniture is the soul of the house, which makes a house “home”. And the soul of the home is the couch where one likes to sit, or pass his time alone, or with his family. And the upholstery is the part where trend enters our lives and makes it more comfy and charming. But, between all trends and styles, enters dirt and odor. That’s when you know, you need to check if your upholstery needs cleaning.

5 signs that you need Professional Upholstery Cleaning Services:

Visible hair: pet hair, or fur, or our own hair, get sometimes accumulated on the couch, or they even make a visible layer, if not removed. Vacuuming may not give the best results. That’s where you know you need a professional cleaning of your couch.

Stains: the stains or dust, be it accidental or occasional, are a reason enough to get your couch professionally cleaned up. If you’re quick enough, you might wipe it away but if not, then you know you need some better solution.

Odor: sweat, food or drink spills, pets, etc, might cause your sofa to stink or give out foul smell. DIY methods of treating it might include baking soda, vinegar, or room sprays, but the best idea would be to get it treated professionally as it would also treat the germs and bacteria causing the odor.

Appearance: dust, smell, casual cleaning, stains, etc might cause your couch to appear grubby and worn out. This is the sign when you should definitely call a professional, as you’ll get your charming furniture back after they clean it.

Allergies: if you suspect weird itchiness and odor whenever you’re near your couch, it’s a sign that it has giving allergies to you, caused due to untreated germs and bacteria. You now definitely know what you need to do.

Couch deep cleaning

Manufacturer’s recommendations: these can be found on the sofa tags; and should be checked before attempting any method of cleaning the sofa as the solvents may damage the upholstery.

Cleaning codes: the letters which you’ll find on the sofa tags are the cleaning codes which depict which solutions should/should not be used while cleaning. Typically, they are of four types:

  • W: You can clean this material using water, or any cleaner which is water-based.
  • S: No water, you’ll need to purchase a special solvent-based cleaner for your sofa. A solvent is a type of cleaner that uses a cleaning chemical as its main component.
  • WS: You can use both solvents and water-based cleaners.
  • X: only vacuum-cleaners can be used.

3. Recommended agents: any fabric sofa should first be treated with the recommended products for the best results. Also, instructions should be well understood before starting any step.

Couch Steam Cleaning

Couch steam cleaning not only removes stains, and dirt, it also sanitizes all surfaces, removes allergens, and kills bacteria, bedbugs, and most pathogens. A process called hot water extraction is often called steam cleaning because of the steam you see as it cleans. This cleaning method removes dirt and stains from your upholstery, without leaving behind any residue.

Sofa cleaning tips

Basic cleaning tips for your sofa at home:

  • Clean up spills and stains quickly
  • Vacuum the sofa before going for any deep cleaning method
  • Always follow the cleaning codes
  • Try any new cleaner or agent on a small part of your sofa before going for the whole treatment.6
  • Let your sofa dry thoroughly before you sit, or use it.

Hope this article helped you in realizing why and how is professional couch cleaning from experts is necessary for your upholstery. Wish you good luck!

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