How do You Recruit Good Quality Manpower

recruitment selection

Recruitment is a process of finding and selecting manpower for an organization that fills the requirements and are willing to work. Recruitment is the process of inviting applicants that are most suitable for a given job, followed by their selection and then finally appointing the ones who are most suitable and willing to work. The complete process of recruitment is carried by the HRM or Human Resource management of that organization. Recruitment is basically having the right men at the right job.

Every organization looks for such candidates to work with them, who are capable, willing and efficient. The recruitment process is the most important function carried out by the Human Resource manager. The HR manager of the organization has to ensure the entry of only that manpower which is open to learning and is self-driven.

According to Edwin B. Flippo, "Recruitment is the process of searching for the potential candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for job vacancies in the organization".

According to Yoder "recruitment is a process to discover sources of manpower to best meet the requirements of staffing schedule. It also involves employing effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection in order to get an efficient workforce”.


What is the purpose of Recruitment and its importance?

The recruitment is carried out to search for the best employable candidates available. It is carried out so that the maximum number of applicants applies for the vacant job position thereby helping the HR managers make a better selection from the attracted talent pool which fits the job role description. Recruitment is about saving time, money and efforts of the organization to recruit the most suitable employable candidate who fulfills the requirements of the vacant job position. Good recruitment always ensures quality manpower over quantity and this reflects in the productivity of the business. It is a process of selecting the best from a resume database by employers

Steps for Recruitment process:

*Assess the manpower need in the organization to know exactly how many and on what positions do you need the human resource.
*Preparing the job description for the vacant position to help understand what qualifications and skills are to be searched for.
*A team of recruitment is made by the HR manager so that only those people from the organization recruits or selects the applicants who have knowledge about the vacant job position. This will help the HRM hire a better employable candidate.
*The analysis of sources by which the applicants will be invited to apply for the vacant positions in the organization. It could be an internal or external source (discussed in detail below).
*Conducting and managing the recruitment procedures by the HRM or recruitment team.
*Selecting only the most relevant manpower amongst all the job applicants to get the most suitable employee.
*After the applicant is selected, the applicant is thus appointed by either conducting final round of interview or on job selection, depending on what recruitment method is planned.
*Once the candidate is hired or recruited, the induction program is conducted.


How to recruit good quality manpower?

There are two sources of recruitment.

1. Internal source.

2. External source.

Every organization has the choice of choosing candidates from these two kinds of sources, for its recruitment process. Let’s discuss each in detail.


INTERNAL SOURCE: When a job position is vacant in the organization, the employees working in the organization are well informed. When hiring is done from the available manpower who are already employed then the available candidates within the organization are called the internal source for recruitment. Candidates when available inside the organization are called the internal sources. These are:

*Promotions of the existing staff by evaluating them and assessing their suitability better than hiring the new outsiders. Their strengthens and weaknesses are very well known by the employer.
*Transfers of employees form a place to another depending on their requirement at different places. This saves cost and also acts as a morale booster.
*Retired managers when re-hired for a short time period to perform duties or tasks.
*Internal advertisements to hire within the pre-existing staff who are most suitable and are interested too.


EXTERNAL SOURCE: when candidates are not available for a job position vacant and the applicants are searched outside the organization it is called the external sources. It is searching for the candidates for a vacant job position from outside the organization. These are

*Hiring through Recruitment agencies or consultants for the vacant positions where they act as company representatives and help the organization select the best candidates and in return charge commission.
*Campus selection/ recruitment is done through universities and colleges, this helps the organization find the young blood and fresher’s for their vacant job opening.
*References for the suitable employable candidates given by the existing employee or the retired employee.
*Media channels like newspapers, magazines, social media to attract the desired applicants in masses.

Careful need assessment of the required manpower should be done. If the manpower requirement is more the go for an external source to recruit the best quality manpower and if the manpower requirement is less, the internal source is a better option.

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