How to Efficiently Move Out From Your Home

How to Efficiently Move Out From Your Home

​At one point in our lives we all have to move to another home. We are all very familiar with the whole tedious process - all the planning, packing and moving. If you do not organise everything to the last detail, it will most certainly turn into a last minute nightmare. Going through this stage in our lives as smoothly as possible should be followed by a few simple rules and steps.

Start Organising

You can approach the situation with two major steps - clear out the rooms from your belongings and then clean the whole house. This is a wonderful way to get rid of excess items and make space for the new ones. Organising our possessions is an action that should be repeated yearly. Some of your stuff you may throw away, but others, you can sell or give to charity, friends, family and people in need. Build a list with what should be done and when, consider putting a high priority to those with big demands.

Don’t Procrastinate 

We all have these  ‘’I’ll do it later”  moments which never come again, and as daunting as it can be, moving out should be done strictly and timely. It may seem like a hard thing to do, but the sooner, the better. Just imagine how easy it will be in the end as you have left yourself with less work to do and enjoy your free time. Simply, you can limit yourself to a room or two per day and surely you won’t get that much overwhelmed with this activity. 

Be Determined  

Moving into your new home is a chance to start anew. But to have this option you must declutter before moving. The stuff you keep only of sentimentality and use them only in extremely rare cases should definitely go away. Just ask yourself - “Do I really need it? Will it be of any use? Can I go without it?” . This way you will save yourself from all the unnecessary belongings you may bring to your new property. You may try to follow these steps when decluttering - 

  • ​How many times have you used it in the last year
  • Return borrowed stuff 
  • If some of the items are similar, keep the one that is in better shape and get rid of the others
  • Of course every damaged items should be thrown away​

Pack Smart Putting 

your belongings randomly in boxes will do you no good. Imagine the aftermath it will bring into your new home. Not only you wouldn’t know where you have put your mostly used items, but also you will have to check each box every time. Do yourself a favour and categorise your boxes. Put labels on them according to the room to which they belong and the items they mainly contain. This way, if you use movers, they will know exactly how to handle the boxes when transporting them, and moreover, they will be put in the right place in your new home. It is truly a thing to consider when the boxes are too heavy, all are stored in your living room and you’ll have to move them later. 

Get a Helping Hand

Organizing can be annoying but for some the cleaning is what really bothers them. Surely, you are obligated with a contract with your landlord and by all means you want to return the deposit you have made in the beginning. Do not underestimate the end of tenancy cleaning, it may say just a “broom clean”,but it is actually tremendously inaccurate and can cost your money. When there is truly a risk of losing a deposit just because your old home looks dirty, then why don’t you give it a ​thorough moving out cleaning. If you do not have the time or the knowledge how your old home should be cleaned or what your landlord will be looking for when inspecting, then to endure this trial and triumph over your landlord make your priorities straight and get to work.

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