Questions to Ask Yourself Before Going on a Trip

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Going on a Trip

Going on a trip requires a lot of preparation and thought, but people always seem to be too busy with packing and personal preparation. They tend to neglect the one thing that has the power to ensure their safety and comfort. Of course, we’re talking about the car. It’s as important for your car to be prepared for the road ahead as it is for you. Regardless of if you’re going on a road trip or just taking your car for a longer journey, you have to make sure everything is in order and it can handle everything you may encounter on the road. Otherwise, you may not make it very far.

1. Is my battery working properly?

A dead battery is the last thing you want on your journey. If your car battery isn’t working properly, you really won't get further than your neighborhood. A strong battery is essential for a safe and successful journey. Besides going to a professional, you can also check the battery by yourself.

Aside from that, make sure the terminals are clean. The best mixture for cleaning the terminal is baking soda and water. It’s cheap, efficient, and does the job extremely well.


2. Do my lights work?

Your lights will need to be on for all of the journey. During the night, you’re going to need them to see basically everything, while they’ll be helpful in seeing the details on the road when there’s daylight. Therefore, before you leave, you’ll need to make sure your lights work properly. If they don’t, you’ll have to pay a visit to a car servicer before you head anywhere.

There’s a simple way to make sure your lights aren’t broken. You can get a passenger or a friend to stand outside the car and tell you if the lights turn on when you give that command to the car. This check should be performed with headlights, brake lights, indicators, and high beams.

3. Are my tyres in good condition?

One of the most common causes of accidents are tyres that have given way to time and circumstances. You don’t want to deal with a flat tyre while traveling, as it can set you back for ages, and as it might be inconvenient and hard to change a tyre in the middle of the road. Check your tyres for bulges and tears, and immediately replace them if you discover any anomalies.

You should also take a look at the tyre pressure. The number should equivalent to that written on the placard of the driver’s door jam. If you can’t find the number there, try looking for it in the car manual. There should also be a good amount of tread left on them. Finally, it might be a good idea to bring a spare, just in case.


4. Should I fix the windscreen?

No matter how good of a driver you are, you’re bound to have a crack in your windscreen. With twigs, debris, bugs, and even pebbles on the road and flying around, it’s easy to get a small dent on your windscreen. Before departure, you should clean your windscreen and thoroughly inspect it. The crack you’re looking for can seem irrelevant, but that’s the thing about cracks- they always seem harmless and spread when you least expect it.

The thing is, you’re about to hit the road. You can’t take any chances with any seemingly innocent crack. Car windscreen repair is essential before a trip. Ask around for a quality servicer and rest easy knowing there’s no chance your windscreen will cause issues on the road.

5. When was the last time I checked my fluids?

When using our car for daily needs, we tend to forget about the fluids. The matter of the fact is, they need to be topped off before a trip. You don’t want your car to have any issues because of the lack of fluids. So, in that spirit, make sure you’ve topped off your engine oil, water, coolants, brakes, transmission, and power steering.

If everything is full, you should make sure it’s fresh. Your car might benefit from an oil change if it’s been a long time since the last time you did that, for example. It also might be a good idea to bring extra fluids with you on your trip, just in case of emergencies.



As you can see, all different parts of the car need equal attention. If you’re through, your vehicle will be prepared for every hitch in the road and every pothole. This ensures you’re making progress and going steady, but also means you’ll be as safe as you can be. The result is a stress-free and comfortable ride, where you can fully place your trust in your car and know it won’t let you down.

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