Split Your Cost Of Living And Share The Chores By Having A Roommate

Split Your Cost Of Living And Share The Chores By Having A Roommate

Are you a college bound student on her way to one of the premier institutions of the country? Well congratulations on taking the first step towards the realization of your dreams. The next issue is finding an appropriate roommate. It is a well-known fact that most of the students cannot afford to live alone.

A huge benefit of having a roommate is that you will be able to save significantly on rent. Now it is possible for you to afford a much bigger apartment which would not have been possible if you were living all by yourself.

Keep these tips in mind so that you can have someone Compatible

You may face some unexpected events but if you have a roommate with the right chemistry you will end up with a beautiful experience. After the college years when you decide to move back home you may even start missing them considerably. Take the case of Debbie who had her first roommate Sarah during her college days.

Sarah had her classes every morning around 8 am and Debbie being a bit of a night owl would wake up much later. Sarah did not want to disturb Debbie so she would fix up her breakfast the night before so that there is minimal sound in the morning.

Such a considerate approach won Debbie’s heart instantly. Even after so many years of passing out from college they still remain the best of pals.

Start the searching process beforehand
You should start the searching process in advance so that you are able to connect with the right person. It will be an unwise decision to start searching for someone under acute financial pressure. Too much of haste will result in a faulty decision.

Lifestyle aspect
During the searching process you have to take your lifestyle into consideration. If you are a morning person then if you have a roommate who likes to stay up till the wee hours then you may be tagged as a social loser. If you want to sleep earlier then that may be impossible if you have night owl roomies. It is always advisable to search for someone with similar traits as you have.

Observe the details
If you have the scope of visiting the place of a potential roommate before then you need to pay attention to the details. If you find there are too many dirty plates on the kitchen sink, or excess beer cans in the garbage bin then treat them as red flags. There are chances that these habits worsen with passage of time.
Come Clean:- Few things you need to keep in mind before choosing a roommate. Call a roommate meeting and talk about the cleaning habits and discuss the other necessary things. Yes, it might seem weird but these little steps will help you to go a long way. Divide the chores equally and create a list of chores before shifting. This can help from arising future disputes. 

Here’s an example:-  

  • Dusting
  • Showers and Washroom Cleaning
  • Vaccum and Sweep the floors
  • Fridge Cleaning
  • Trash out

Ask about Referrals
It is always a good idea to ask your friends and acquaintances for references. You can enter into an agreement with a lot of confidence if you have any of your friends vouching for a person. Look for everything related to “I need a Roommate” on the internet and end up top results.
Get Advice and Assistance
You can always browse on some of the websites which offer to match you up with someone compatible. You can put up a comprehensive profile and then the relevant website may set up communication with another interested individual.

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