Top Programming Languages For Cloud Development

Top Programming Languages For Cloud Development

“Cloud”, a word that was once a trendy, science fiction kind of buzzword is now an undeniable part of personal and professional life. Cloud computing has created new ways in which technological resources can be used and provides several benefits like enhanced security, increase in speed, lowering development cost & delivering higher productivity. The demand for cloud engineers and programmers is on the rise as more and more organizations move to the cloud.

Developers build software applications in microservices architecture using serverless services, such as Function as a Service, which requires applications to load faster. Programming languages need to load up in milliseconds to be cloud-native compatible (CNC). Cloud computing offers a range of computing services from databases, storage, analysis, intelligence, software, networks & more for enhanced innovation, economies of scale and flexible services and compromises of technologies that have an impact on developer employment. 

  • The largest cloud computing company in the world, based on its market share, is Amazon Web Services holding approximately 31% of the market share, followed by Microsoft Azure at 20% and Google Cloud at 7%.
  • An estimated 100 zettabytes (1 zettabyte = 1 billion terabytes = 1 trillion gigabytes) of data will be stored in the cloud by 2025
  • The largest data center in the world, aptly named Citadel, is located in Tahoe Reno, Nevada, USA. Its facility covers 1.3 million square feet.
  • Google Drive is the most used cloud storage service at 94.44%, followed by Dropbox at 66.2%, OneDrive at 39.35% & iCloud at 38.89%.

The programming languages used by developers for cloud-based applications make a difference as languages differ in structure, capabilities & support. Some of the top programming languages used for cloud development are - 

1. ASP.Net (C#): It is used to build fast, scalable cloud applications that can be run on almost all major cloud platforms. .Net is a programming platform written in C#, used for the development of web, mobile, desktop & cloud applications. It's delivered and maintained by Microsoft, which also offers Azure, one of the topmost cloud platforms available today. It's used to develop web applications and websites with multiple functions and can provide dynamic web pages along with cutting-edge solutions which can be viewed across different web browsers. Other benefits of ASP.NET are:

  • It protects apps with built-in Windows security.
  • It reduces the coding volume.
  • Its platform is independent and can be implemented easily.
  • It's easy to monitor and regulate application performance.
  • Includes built-in cache capabilities.
  • Many Azure products run on .Net and can be integrated with Visual Studio developer tools.
  • It's open source and enjoys a lot of community support. Developers can customize, review, contribute or modify codes as per need. 

2. Java: Java is a general-purpose programming language that is easy to learn. It's a robust, versatile & modular language that makes code writing simple and is platform-independent. Some major benefits of using Java are:

  • Java is an object-oriented language and can be used to create reusable codes and modular programs.
  • Since it's a platform-independent language it can be ported easily. 
  • Cloud computing programs created using Java can be run on different operating systems like Windows, iOS, Linux, Raspberry, etc.
  • Most of the major cloud platforms provide SDK for Java which helps simplify development and enhances program capabilities. 
  • It's a programming language of choice for AWS training and certification.

3. Python: Python can be a programming language of choice for manipulating and processing large data sets. It has dynamic community support and comes with a huge volume of third-party modules and support libraries that makes development easy, secure & swift. Other benefits of using Python are:

  • It's an easy language to learn and can be used by beginners to programming veterans.
  • It is used in the development of serverless applications on Amazon Web Services and is natively supported by AWS Lambda. 
  • It is a full-stack programming language and can be used in areas of the cloud development cycle. 
  • It can be ideally suited for cloud computing which deals with neural networks, machine learning & streaming analytics systems. 
  • It can be used to create and develop business applications, games, and operating systems. computational applications, scientific applications, or even graphic design and image processing applications. 

4. Golang: Or Go, is a robust and modern programming language created and backed by Google. It is often referred to as Golang, mainly due to its former domain name It is used on many cloud platforms and is a popular choice for working on Google Cloud (GCP). Benefits of Golang are:

  • It offers concurrency support, package and parallelism management making it a popular choice for cloud server development.
  • It is used to build efficient, scalable and secure applications with the use of microservices and can handle lower-level server communication. 
  • Google Cloud is built on Golang with deep integration, authentication, idiomatic interfaces and libraries making it widely adoptable by enterprises that work on the cloud. 
  • Golang powers cloud-based applications for Uber, SoundCloud, Atlassian, Monzo etc. 
  • Gobot, a powerful framework that is written in Go programming language, is used for IoT, machine learning, robot and drone development.

Other programming languages used for cloud development are SQL, XML, Clojure, Haskell, Erlang, etc. Choosing an experienced cloud application development company can help organizations develop applications that can fulfill their requirements by using the right programming language.

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