10 Easy Cleaning Tips for Healthy House (+ Bonus Tips from Expert)

House cleaning tips

House cleaning is one of the most time-consuming tasks because it entails brushing, cleaning, washing, and scouring every part of a house. To stay healthy, you must keep your entire home clean and germ-free. 

You should ensure you engage in a complete cleaning process to provide a safe and secure atmosphere for your family. You must clean everything regularly, from the floors to the furniture, the dining room to the bedrooms, the windows to the carpets.

Of course, it is tough work, but you should set aside some time to do a full house cleaning for the best outcome.

So, if you're going to do some cleaning yourself, here are ten cleaning tips to mark the end-of-lease cleaners to assist you in getting the greatest results. 

10 amazing cleaning tips for a healthy house

Begin with the ceiling fans

When cleaning your room, start at the top and work your way down. You must start from the top of the ceiling fan and finish with floor cleaning; you can begin dusting ceiling fans and walls, removing cobwebs, wiping down windows, and cleaning furniture and hard floors. The majority of people employ this hierarchy structure to ensure rapid and easy cleaning. This is among the most rudimentary house cleaning tips. 

Sweep the floor to make it shine

There are multiple ways for cleaning hard-surface flooring. You may clean the entire floor with a vinegar+baking soda solution. Scrub the solution into the difficult stains or other damaged areas with a scrubber. This is one of the most effective floor cleaning tips and methods.

Before beginning the wet cleaning process, vacuum the entire floor. Vacuuming can remove all of the dry dust in a matter of seconds.

Let the kitchen sinks gleam by cleaning them

Use a mild soapy solution to clean the faucets and handles. Get an old toothbrush and use it to get into hard-to-reach places. If there are any leftover spots, use a white vinegar-soaked towel to remove them thoroughly. When you're finished, rinse it thoroughly again and pat it dry with a soft rag.

Scrub the toilet and sanitize it

Scrub using a stiff-bristled toilet brush after applying a toilet bowl cleaner and letting it sit for up to five minutes. After that, sanitize the toilet seat using disinfectant wipes. What is the goal? A germ-free toilet seat and a gleaming white bowl.

Remove all the rust stains

One of the most difficult tasks is removing rust stains from a sink, toilet seat, or tub. People frequently skip this step because they are unfamiliar with proper cleaning techniques.

Use hydrochloric acid, muriatic acid, or hydrogen chloride-based cleaning solutions to remove rust spots. To avoid splatter, apply the product carefully and scrub it gently while cleaning your toilet. After that, flush it twice or thrice and thoroughly rinse the tub.

Clean the tiles 

So, the next step is all about cleaning your bathroom's walls (tiles). After you have a shower, you can clean it. Mould and mildew can be prevented with this 5-minute task. Vacuum the floor to remove any remaining soap scum.

Clean window sills and make them spotless

Clean any hard-to-reach areas in your home, such as your window sills, with a garden sprayer. To remove dirt from these locations, your garden sprayer can be used as a little power washer. To flush away any chemical residues, make sure to thoroughly clean the sprayer before filling the tank with water.

Sanitize the dustbin

Do you wish to get rid of that noxious odor? We've got a trick up our sleeves for you. Simply add a pinch of baking soda to your garbage bin, along with a cup of white vinegar and half a lemon. Give it 15 to 20 minutes to cool before washing it thoroughly under running water.

Wipe down the kitchen table

Although your kitchen table is one of the most crucial items in your kitchen, it is sometimes disregarded when it comes to cleaning. Suck up the dirt with your vacuum and clean it with your favorite cleaner. It doesn't take long to clean your kitchen table completely, regardless of its size.

Polish up those oily stove grates

Forget about washing your stove grates clean. Simply soak them in a small amount of ammonia overnight, and they'll be fine. Make sure you have a convenient location for all of your cleaning supplies, as this will save you time and effort.

Bonus tips to keep in mind

  • To remove dust off lampshades, use a lint roller.
  • Using a magnetic cloth, wipe clean your bookshelves.
  • To remove stains from fabric sofas, use dawn dish soap.
  • Use vinegar and dish soap to clean the shower walls.
  • Using a toothbrush, baking soda, and water, clean your faucet.
  • Use an all-purpose cleaner and a moist rag to clean your shelves.
  • Using a vacuum hose, remove cobwebs.

So, even if you don't have time to undertake a thorough cleaning or simply despise cleaning, these suggestions can make the procedure quick, simple, and painless. You may now use these innovative cleaning tips to make your home spick and span. 

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