3 Essentials of a Modular Kitchen

Essentials of a Modular Kitchen

The kitchen area is often regarded as the heart of a home, rightly so because of the importance, it holds in the regular and uninterrupted functioning of our daily lives. Can you imagine life without delicious home-cooked meals or clean dishes? The kitchen is where all the cooking, storing, and cleaning takes place. Seeing as how the kitchen is one of the busiest areas of the house where you’ll be spending a large chunk of your time, you’d want it to look beautiful. But, what makes up the perfect modular kitchen in the present times?

A modular kitchen is an open, contemporary style of kitchen design that adds a clean, chiseled look and feel to the home decor. Most modular kitchen accessories can be customised to suit the many diverse styles of cooking and help create smart storage space.

For most homeowners, a dream kitchen usually brings the image of sleek modular units to mind. These units need to be both stunning and highly functional to make your lives simpler, easier, and more convenient. The key to designing a smart, modern, and gorgeous modular kitchen is to choose the perfect accessories that would make storage a child’s play and enable efficient workflow within the room. So, if you want to create a new modular kitchen or just replace your old kitchen units to give it a fresh look, read on.

If you want your day to day cooking experience a delightful one, add these 3 essentials elements in your modular kitchen:

1. A Tall Pantry Unit

The first element to add in a modern kitchen space is a tall pantry unit. While regular kitchen racks and shelves that are placed near the stove come in handy to store ingredients that are used for daily cooking, the kitchen also needs a designated place to stock up other ingredients and items. In earlier days, many houses had a separate pantry that served this purpose but with limited space and a modular kitchen setting, a tall unit with ample space is indispensable. Pick a hygienic material for the tall unit, like antiviral plywood, and use an antimicrobial laminate finishing to ensure the highest levels of cleanliness in the kitchen. There many creative ways you can use laminates to create an authentic and exotic look. 

Tip: Choose a pull-out unit for easy storage of bottles, boxes, and other similarly-shaped containers.

2. Cutlery Organiser

For a flawlessly organised kitchen, a cutlery organiser is a must, especially when you need to find it in a hurry or want to do away with the chaos and clutter. Invest in a pull-out basket or drawer as they can slide in and out smoothly, providing better access to the items you may need. Choose one that has multiple compartments to store cutlery of various types and sizes like spoons, forks, knives, tongs and so on.

Tip: Do not place the cutlery organiser directly under the cooking hub to avoid injuries.

3. Corner Unit

A kitchen with inaccessible corners might prove to be more of a bane than a boon. Therefore, converting the inaccessible corners of your L-shaped or U-shaped modular kitchens into functional and efficient spaces is a wise idea.  In most traditional homes, these corners remain unnoticed and unutilised as they are difficult to reach, for which it is difficult to design useful cabinets.

Tip: Choose a swivel- out or swing-out style design for added convenience.

Whether you want to upgrade your old kitchen style or design a new kitchen space altogether, keep these accessories in mind and you are sure to get a highly efficient kitchen with clean lines and luxe appearance. 

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