4 Benefits of Cleansing With Bone Broth


By now, you have most likely heard one or two things about the trending "superfood" that is bone broth. Described as a high-protein source and one of the best cures for leaky guts and all manners of ailments from weak immune systems to arthritis, bone broth has proven to be a magical elixir.

What is Bone Broth?

Bone broth is simply an aromatic digestible liquid made from slowly simmering the bones, meat, ligaments/tendons, marrow, skin, and feet of an animal for a long time. Typically, the cooking time ranges between eight and 24 hours to allow the boiling compounds to release all their nourishing benefits, which include gelatin, essential amino acids, and minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, into the broth.

Why Has Bone Broth become So Popular?

For hundreds of years, bone broth was prepared by our ancestors as a way of making use of every part of wild animals slaughtered. It was touted to hold incredible health benefits, and probably the reason why most grandmothers and traditional physicians prescribed its use to help with various illnesses.

As a large part of the world's population moves towards maintaining healthier lifestyles, bone broth seems to be the go-to "superfood" of choice, hence its resurgence in popularity.

Here are 4 of the top benefits of a bone broth fast:

1. Helps in Healing Leaky Gut

A cup of bone broth a day can help with leaky guts or leaky gut syndrome. Individuals suffering from this syndrome have a porous intestinal lining, which allows toxic materials such as toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles to pass through from the intestines and into the bloodstream.

When this happens, a range of health problems can arise, including chronic diarrhea, constipation, and specific food intolerances. The gelatin present in bone broth is known to help close up the holes in the intestines. It helps restore the gut's health and normalizes immune functions within the body.

2. Protects Your Joints and Increases Bone Strength

People suffering from joint pains have long had to rely on pills made from glucosamine supplements to ease their affliction. The pills are pricy and don't offer other nutritional and health benefits like bone broth.

Bone broth contains glucosamine and chondroitin sulfates that are necessary for reducing inflammations and dealing with arthritis and joint pain. It also contains proteins that help with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Bone broth also plays a significant role in bone strengthening as it contains plenty of minerals necessary for bone growth, including calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium. Individuals recovering from broken bone injuries should have a cup of bone broth daily.

3. Helps with Detoxification

A bone broth cleanse can help with the excretion of toxic substances from the body. Although the body has enough mechanisms in place to deal with toxins, exposure to too many environmental pollutants, toxic chemicals, and other harmful particles, which is a must in this age of industrialization, can cause a strain on these mechanisms.

Through its ingredients, such as sulfur, glycine, and potassium, bone broth boosts the digestive system and the liver in their efforts to get rid of toxic wastes.

4. It's a Whole Food Supplement and Aids Digestion

Cleansing with bone broth is a great way to amass immense nutrients without the need for tons of expensive and artificial supplements.

The compound gelatin in bone broth helps in paving the passage for food through the digestive tract by naturally binding with water. It also contains a large number of amino acids, almost 20, that help in boosting the rate of nutrient absorption in the digestive system, thus aiding food digestion.

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