5 Best Ways To Make Your Home a Staycation Destination

5 Best Ways To Make Your Home a Staycation Destination

Dreaming of a fun vacation this summer? If you’re unable to travel for whatever reason, there are ways to maximize your home’s entertainment potential and have a staycation. Here are five great ideas to help you turn your home into the staycation destination of your dreams!

Add a Fire Pit

Whether you typically vacation at the beach or at a campground, a roaring campfire is usually the center of activity during the evenings. Include this fun feature in your own backyard to enjoy crisp nights around a warm fire. Go beyond the basic fire pit and design an attractive area where your family can enjoy spending time together. Use paving stones and bricks to create an appealing container for your fire pit and surround that with benches for seating. Your family and friends will enjoy many fun-filled nights sharing stories and enjoying s’mores around your new backyard feature.

Install a Pool

Nothing says vacation like a relaxing swim in a beautiful pool. The great thing is, you can enjoy swimming in a gorgeous pool from the comfort of your own home! If you find yourself wondering about how much does an inground pool cost, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that a fun new pool is entirely within your reach. Consult with pool installation professionals to design the right pool for your needs. Include fun features like a tanning shelf and diving board, and beautify the space by incorporating waterfalls or an infinity edge into the design. Your family will love to entertain guests in your new outdoor paradise!

Build an Outdoor Spa

If you prioritize relaxation in your vacations, think about building an outdoor spa to ease tension and provide a great way to unwind at the end of the day. You could purchase a stand-alone spa-like hot tub or include a hot tub in the overall design of your pool. Alternatively, you could get handy and even build a stylish redwood hot tub with your own two hands. Redwood is a beautiful and durable material that is able to stand up to the varying outdoor elements. Install a covering like an awning or pergola and you’ll be able to enjoy this relaxing feature any time of the year!

Install a Built-in Barbecue

Backyard kitchens are great for expanding your outdoor entertainment options, but such big projects can be costly and time-consuming. You can get similar results without breaking the bank by installing a built-in barbecue in your backyard. If you’re handy, crafting a built-in barbecue is an easy project that can be done in one weekend. Lay bricks around your grill of choice and choose surface materials that will be able to stand up to the outdoor elements. A simple built-in barbecue will allow you to cook delicious summer-themed meals for your family and friends, significantly enhancing your outdoor entertainment options.

Build a Playground

When you think of vacation, your mind probably immediately thinks about ways to have fun. Consider building a playground on your property to provide your kids with a fun place to burn off some energy. You could build a playground from a pre-made kit, or you could customize your playground to create a unique play space your kids will love. Ask your kids about the playground features they would use the most and include standard equipment like swings and slides. If you have older kids, you could even think about building a challenging obstacle course in your own backyard. Your family and friends are sure to have tons of fun navigating through the course. Always be sure to prioritize safety and cover all play areas with loose, soft fill materials like rubber pieces or mulch.

Even though you can’t travel far for a vacation, there’s no reason you can’t have an incredible time at home this summer. By following these tips, your home will become synonymous with relaxation and family fun!

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