5 Most Critical Places to Clean Up Before Selling Your Commercial Property

5 Most Critical Places to Clean Up Before Selling Your Commercial Property

Are you going to change the location of your business and move somewhere else where you can grow your company? Selling your current workplace for a justified amount will require much effort from you. Whether you are taking the professional help of a real estate agent in advertising your office for sale or not, there are some little details about cleaning your commercial property that needs to be taken care of to achieve the best resale value.

No matter how good the location of your office is, no one would be interested in buying it if it’s not adequately maintained both from the inside and the outside. Presentation is everything when it comes to selling; the right marketing strategies revolve around showcasing the best attributes of products and services in front of potential customers. Your commercial building must be ready to move in when you show it to your clients so that you can finalize your potential deal.

To increase the odds of striking a viable deal with one of the potential buyers, we give you an insight into the five most critical places that you will need to clean up very thoroughly using professional commercial cleaning services:


The very first thing any buyer would notice about a business place is how well the seller has kept the workspaces over the years. After all, it’s a commercial building, and anyone willing to buy it would most probably be bringing in their team to work in the same workplace. The way you have maintained your office space will give an indication to the suitors about your way of managing the entire facility.

The expert commercial cleaners have experienced janitors and possess high-quality cleaning equipment and supplies to deal with all kinds of hardware on a large scale in no time.

Public Areas

As soon as your customers walk in through the main doors, they observe everything, be it neglected potted plants placed against the walls, ceilings full of cobwebs, dusty windows, and other office tools, and more. Understandably, you have shifted your business elsewhere, but to sell a commercial place, you will have to keep it as if you are still operating in it.

Get all the public areas such as bathrooms, lobbies, lounges, meeting rooms, and even the exterior of the building properly cleaned up to impress the incoming clients. The specialist cleaners can perform different cleaning activities like scrubbing and mopping tiles, disinfecting surfaces, dusting shelves, and others.


The condition of your carpets will tell the real story of how well or bad you have maintained your commercial building. Due to the highest foot-traffic on carpets, they need frequent dry-cleaning. For achieving effective carpet cleaning, you will require the services of expert commercial carpet cleaners near you. They will make your carpets look neat and tidy by removing all the bacteria, dust, and stains by using the best industrial cleaning practices.

Storage Rooms

Like any other business, if you had a dedicated room for storage purposes to keep broken furniture, outdated files, and redundant IT equipment, it’s best for you to clean it up nicely to leave a good impression on your clients.


These cleaning services use the right disinfectants and sanitizers to remove hard-to-remove stains from different office tools and scrub the floor, walls, windows, ceilings, vents, HVAC systems, furniture, glassware, fans, and other essential equipment efficiently. All of this will assist you in creating an orderly workshop and portraying a professional outlook in front of your potential buyers.

In short, selling a commercial property is like selling your old house. You will have to make it look like you have taken excellent care of the whole place and have been cleaning it regularly through professional cleaners.

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