5 Old Ways of Cleaning Grease Stains

Many of us spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing dinner. It's quite clear that you can get dirty very fast in there. Also if eating on the couch is one of your favourite things, then it's just a matter of time something greasy falls on the couch. And when that happens, you have to act quickly, otherwise the stain will be next to impossible to remove.

How To Clean Grease Stains?

Grease stains are some of the most stubborn and hard to clean. At the very moment, oil gets on the fabric, it immediately begins to seep into the the fabrics' fibres. The first thing that comes to our mind is that the stain will never come out. But actually, there is always a way to fight off the stain.

Salt - If you are outside (drinking your coffee or eating lunch) and unexpectedly get stained, and in addition to that you don't have a cleaner in your bag like those women on TV commercials, then the only option is to salt the stain. The truth is that salt manages to suck the grease and stop its penetration deeper into the fabric fibres. You might not believe it, but salt has an amazing effect on all types of stains.

Baking Soda - Applying baking soda on a stain works pretty much the same way the salt treatment does. However, if the stain is older, then baking soda simply won’t cut it. My nephew came to visit me from Atlanta. He has accidentally dropped his fried potatoes on the sofa, but he was afraid to tell me, so he covered the stain with a pillow. I saw the stain a few days later, tried to clean it with baking soda and whatever else came to mind, but unfortunately it was too late. So I just called cleaning experts to help me, which basically saved my nephew’s skin.

Toothpaste - As surprising as it sounds, toothpaste has a great effect on grease stains. You should just smear the stained area with plenty of paste, and rub it in order for the paste to penetrate into the fabric. Leave it for about 24 hours for the toothpaste to work its way into the fabric and wash the clothing or wipe it with warm water. There will be no trace of stain.

Bean - Soak beans in water and boil them when they swell. Тhereafter, soak your dirty clothes in that water and wait a few minutes. You will see that the stain has gone away. In case your sofa or mattress is stained, fill a sprayer with that boiled bean water and spray the area. If the stain is big and deep, then add vinegar or lemon juice to the water.

Fresh Potato - You are probably very agased on how fresh potatoes will clean grease stains. As strange as it sounds, fresh potato will suck the stain as baking soda and salt do. Actually, this is one of the easiest ways. It will be enough to slice a potato into two parts and place one of the slices on the spot. Leave it for a day and afterwards clean the soiled surface with lukewarm water and clean cotton. If, however, there are still traces of grease, treat the spot with vinegar or citric acid, and rinse with lukewarm water. Finally, wipe off with a cotton cloth.

In a word, if you have a desire, there will always be a way to get rid of those nasty stains. In case you don't succeed, professionals are always ready to help you.

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