5 Statistics for Publishing a Digital Magazine

Regardless of the products or services, the appetite of the customers for content, especially online platforms, is bigger now than ever before. In other words, they are reading and consuming whenever and whatever they can: at home, in the office, and even on the go.
The publishing industry has also been adjusted to adapt to these changes. While traditional publishers have to replace their old business model with a new digital publishing platform, the digital-only companies also struggle with improving loyal audiences and overall scale. As more and more digital channels are creating and competing against each other for the customers' attention, it is important to have a good understanding of the digital publishing industry and create a good, impressive content strategy.
So, if you are planning to publish a digital magazine, below are 5 important statistics to keep in mind. Those numbers can give you many interesting insights that you may take advantage of and create the best content plan for your digital magazine.
1. 91% tablet readers think that a digital magazine costs more than a printed edition
One of the most important factors in the digital publishing industry is perhaps the price. Many questions are still needed to be answered. For example, will audiences begin to be aware of the added value of a digital platform over time and be willing to pay more? Recent studies indicate that approximately 91% readers on tablets believe that a printed edition would cost less than the digital one. Amusingly, most of them do not hesitate to pay for the non-replica digital subscription.
2. 70% digital readers prefer a digital magazine due to features that the print edition cannot do
If the digital magazine that you are planning to publish is only an electronic version of the current print edition, then you might be wasting a great opportunity. According to statistics, approximately 70% of readers prefer reading an online magazine due to some advanced features such as scrollable text, clickable links, access to back-issue, vertical swipe, ability to copy and paste, article bookmarking, video, live news, and interactive content. Those factors can make a significant contribution to the success of your content strategy, In addition, nearly 75% of people prefer a digital publication with 20 or fewer articles in the interface.
3. 88% of digital content are read via Apple, Amazon, and Samsung devices
Magazines have always tried to reach readers and audiences at a personal level. According to recent stats, approximately 88% of digital publications are approached by the readers via Apple, Amazon or Samsung devices. And as more and more portable devices are being bought, the number of readers of online magazines would quickly increase. By combining interactive features and quality content, your new digital magazine would better off. This is also the reason why digital content could be available wherever the connectivity is provided.
4. 64% people read digital magazines on a monthly basis
This number is 20% on a daily basis, which increases approximately 6% from the previous year. As more and more traditional publications are turning into the digital platform, these stats are expected to quickly increase over time. As for the payment, most readers tend to pay for subscriptions, magazine or apps, depending on the quality of the content. According to statistics, 28% readers spent from 100 to 300 USD on digital magazines per year, while more than half spend more than 100 USD.
5. Most of the digital magazine readers are educated, young and come from above-average households
In other words, more than 45% of the readers are in the age of 18 and 34, 81% come from a family with the annual income from 75,000 USD to 100,000USD, and 78% are graduated from high schools or colleges. They are the millennial generation that is comprised of smart and young people that are able to adapt quickly to new technologies in the digital era. More importantly, they understand the idea and value of a virtual community, thereby engaging or creating more and more online groups to promote their business.
Final thoughts
Those are 5 important statistics that you need to know before publishing a digital magazine. We hope that they would give you some insightful views of the current market as well as the customer's appetite. In addition, you can apply online tools like TruEdit and CoShedule to support your digital publishing and take the digital and content strategy of your company to a higher level.