5 Surprising Benefits of Playing Board Games

board game

In 2024, the board game industry was projected to bring in $9 billion worldwide. That said, North America is currently the world's largest board game market, with 72% of women and 59% of men saying they enjoy board games.

These impressive figures indicate that the board games industry is steadily growing, and North America leads the way. As more and more consumers look out for unique entertainment options, board games will surely be in high demand in the coming years.

But what is the cause for this continuous popularity of board games? Probably the most valid aspect is social, with board games representing an interactive and playful way for people to approach one another. Besides, the variety of themes and gameplay mechanics in these games appeal to a large number of different interests and tastes.

Those are the obvious advantages of board games. But we would like to discuss some other aspects that make these games stand the test of time. Let’s take a closer look at some of the less obvious benefits board games hold.

What Surprising Benefits Can You Reap Out of Board Games?

Board games have many amazing benefits that go far beyond the apparent aim of pure entertainment. Here are the most notable ones:

1. Relieve Stress and Develop Coping Skills

We live in a world filled with news, events, daily tasks and responsibilities. The speed life sometimes takes on becomes stressful. At such times, it’s very important that you learn how to enjoy being relaxed and in communication with your family and friends.

And board games play their part in helping us disconnect from the chaos of everyday life. Engaging in board games can significantly reduce stress. The focus required during gameplay helps distract from daily worries, and the social interactions involved usually bring a lot of laughter, which is known to reduce the level of cortisol, a stress hormone​.

Additionally, some board games provide a safe space to train how to confront and deal with stressful situations. These include well-known board games such as Monopoly, Scrabble, Clue (Cluedo), Settlers of Catan, The Game of Life, etc.

2. Improve Cognitive Abilities in Older Adults

Board games are particularly beneficial for the elderly in maintaining and even improving their cognitive skills. Gerontologists say that board games like chess, Scrabble, and card games help enhance memory function as they require players to remember rules, strategies, and the positions of pieces and cards.

Research from the University of Edinburgh's Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology revealed that the more people played video games later in life, the less cognitive decline they suffered once into their seventies, with particular relation to thinking speed and memory function.

It was, therefore, concluded that regular gameplay enhances memory, verbal fluency, and mental flexibility, and, as such, could reduce the likelihood of developing cognitive decline and conditions like dementia​.

3. Enhance Emotional Intelligence

Board games can significantly influence emotional intelligence by providing a favorable environment where players can develop key emotional and social skills.

Communication is what makes many board games quite an important experience. Games that require verbal and non-verbal communication, like Codenames and Pictionary, boost players' ability to express ideas clearly and understand one another.

Competitive games, like Monopoly or Risk, can lead to conflicts, at the same time providing players with opportunities to practice conflict resolution, negotiation, and finding mutually acceptable solutions—these activities form the core of social competence and emotional intelligence.

Playing board games also helps individuals become more aware of their emotional responses. The range of emotions a player undergoes while playing, from being hopeful to being frustrated, allows players to better recognize their emotions and take control of them. Thinking through moves to make and their consequences in strategic games like Chess or Go further develops the player's sense of self and views over personal strengths and weaknesses.

Playing games is useful for learning one more important life skill: how to win and lose gracefully. In the process of interaction, one learns to play by the rules and respect opponents. It helps build positive relationships, promotes ethics, and increases the excitement of playing games.

4.Positively Affect Physical Health

Board games can benefit physical health in several ways. They promote fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, especially in games that involve moving pieces, shuffling cards, or drawing. Furthermore, certain modern board games today need some type of body motion, for example, charades or games that require players to move around, providing light physical exercise.

The social bond of playing board games, face-to-face interaction, and regular communication can also reduce stress, which in turn leads to lower blood pressure and improved heart health.

Have you ever thought about making board games your nighttime routine? This wind-down time before bed prepares your mind for rest. Activities done during this time will set you up for a good night's sleep and excellent physical well-being.

5. Provide Technology Detox

Most board games require little to no use of screens or digital devices; this can work as a good break from the constant stimulation of smartphones, computers, and TVs. By giving rest to your eyes and mind from digital screens, you’ll reduce eye strain and improve the quality of your sleep.

Playing board games with friends or family members promotes bonding and strengthens relationships offline. It encourages meaningful conversations and sharing experiences without notifications and constant connectivity.

Unlike multitasking with digital devices, which can lead to shallow attention spans, board games keep you deeply engaged in the moment and in the game.

Final Thoughts

Board games are a holistic package of fun, combined with many developmental benefits; a great activity through which children and adults alike can learn to be socially, cognitively, emotionally, and physically well.

Engaging in board games can be further enhanced by joining board game communities, both online and offline, where enthusiasts can connect, share experiences, and organize game sessions.

You can learn more about your new friends, find their contact information, and even attend local board game events together to further enhance your gaming experience and build lasting friendships. Play board games and challenge your mind in a way that promotes creativity and personal growth!

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