5 Ways to Destress and Keep Your Mental Health Under Control

Stress is a silent enemy that can wear you down year after year. According to the Mental Health in the Workplace issue brief by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 71% of adults faced one of the symptoms of stress such as headaches, feelings of anxiety, weight gain, hair loss, and irritability. Depression is another major issue that demands more attention from employers. Of all the employees who pass through a severe depression, 60% don’t receive any treatment or therapy. Stress wouldn’t be such a huge problem if everyone knew how to relieve stress and anxiety at home.
During stressful periods, a way of coping with stress is to eat. Emotional eating, though, can lead to other health problems. Another CDC report reveals that 30.3 million people had diabetes in 2015, accounting for 9.4% of the US population. The latest research on diabetes has shed light on the link between diabetes and stress. Now, it is known that stress inhibits the production of insulin, leading to a high concentration of glucose in the blood. Both stress and high blood sugar impact your mental health and your ability to function properly. If you feel like you’re not functioning at your full capacity, maybe it’s time to recharge your batteries. Just check out all these fun things to do on a weekend at home!
Below, you will find five more ways to lower the stress in your life. Who may benefit most from these? From employees who work 9 to 5 jobs to freelancers and stay-at-home moms - stress doesn’t forgive anyone.
Stress manifests itself either physically, through an injury or illness, or mentally, when you fret over problems in your marriage, at your workplace, or in your personal finances. When you feel stressed, your body acts as if it were under attack. Any other health issues can be a source of stress, too. Now, you may wonder, “What can I do to keep stress at bay?” In most cases, a change in lifestyle goes a long way.
So regardless of your work environment, check out these destressing strategies and find out which one works best for you.
Say “No” and slow down
Living your life at neck-breaking speed can make you feel important, self-supporting, and completely independent. On the path to success, though, it’s hard to say “No.” You may find yourself constantly committed. Your schedule may be so full that you barely have time for yourself - not to mention the much-needed family time. One way to destress is by saying “No” instead of “Yes” when your schedule is already overloaded. Yes, there will always be things that you have to deal with urgently, but most things and people can wait. If saying “No” doesn’t come easy to you, try replacing it with a different answer such as “Let’s reschedule this for later!” or “I cannot give you an answer right now. I will call you back!” - both great ways to postpone less important things and meetings. When things succeed one after another, there is little room left for destressing activities such as growing vegetables around the house or pursuing your favorite hobby. So, say “No” from time to time and give yourself breaks.
Meditation and deep breathing
When you make things happen at a slower pace, the days become longer. Do you think that an hour in which you don’t do anything at all means wasting valuable time? Think again! If meditation doesn’t appeal to you, replace it with something else. Read a book, watch TV, sunbath - do whatever you want that requires zero or little effort from you.
Then, make silence inside yourself. Deep breathing also has a calming effect and reduces blood pressure as well as the heartbeat rate. Look inside you and try to understand yourself, what bothers you, what causes you stress. Then think about ways to get rid of the stressor.
Create a Man Cave or a She Shed
If stress is caused by a stressor, the best way to evade it is to hide in your own place where nothing can reach you. Man caves and she sheds provide plenty of space to relax and destress doing what you love most or doing nothing at all. If your home is too small for one, maybe you should look for a real estate agent on RealEstateAgent.com to help you search for a larger property. If you’re longing for a reclusive lifestyle, then these highly individualized spaces are the go-to places during your staycations.
The healing powers of the water
And speaking of larger homes, what do you think about having your own swimming pool? In-ground swimming pools don’t come cheap, but the benefits of having a pool far outshine the cost. Moreover, a pool also may increase the value of your home. However, there are also smaller water features that you may find relaxing, such as an indoor water wall or a Feng Shui fountain. Also, a bathroom makeover might be a good idea, especially if you want to have a jacuzzi instead of a simple bathtub or a rain shower head in your shower cabin. Let the water wash away all your worries!
Exercise regularly
Practicing sports lowers the blood sugar and puts you in a better mindset. So take up jogging, cycling, swimming, or whatever sport you like. Even walking helps a lot. If you already practice a sport, don’t give up! Renew your gym membership and try to stay active. When you exercise, you also increase your self-esteem and self-confidence, thus bringing benefits on many levels. Also, think about installing a home gym. Create a corner for your workout routine. It feels good to look after your body.
And one last advice that can help you relax while also fighting stress: learn everything about the disease of the century. The more you know about your enemy, the sooner you can defeat it. Stress is not a punishment.
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