5 Ways to Look After Yourself as You Age

Three people sitting on a a bench. Two are elderly men and one is a woman. The middle man is holding a stress ball while the woman has her hand on his wrist.

Ageing is a daunting process for most people, albeit some more than others. However, as we age, it is important that we are taking proper care of ourselves so that we can keep living a happy and healthy life as we age.

So, here are __ ways to look after yourself as you age.


Eat Well

Eating well is important at any stage of life, but particularly as you age. Eating well for seniors has a lot of benefits; for example, it helps you live longer and stronger. Sharpen your mind and feel better in general.

It is also worth bearing in mind that eating well is about more than just eating better quality food or a varied diet. It is also about things like shopping, cooking or eating with others, for example.

So, as you age be sure you are taking all of these things into account.


Stay Active

Another highly important thing to be doing as you age is staying active. Regular exercise can lower your risk of developing several health conditions, such as dementia and heart disease, amongst other things.

Staying active can also help with things like improving your overall mood, boosting your self-esteem, give you a sense of achievement, help you to relax and even relive stress.

Exercising doesn’t have to be difficult or strenuous – it could be as simple as brisk walking, cycling, swimming or even ballroom dancing. Adding some fun into your exercise will help make it more fun and feel less like a chore.


Look After Your Body

It is important that you look after your body as you age. While eating right and staying active are a key part of looking after your body, it is also important that you ensure you are protected with a good health insurance plan. This is particularly important if you are prone to ill health.

While the NHS provides free healthcare in the UK, it is no secret that there are long waiting times for even the simplest of appointments. So, if you want to ensure you are protected and taking the best possible care of your health, considering investing in private health insurance. This will give you access to things such as a second opinion, online appointments with a GP, fast-tracked appointments and someone to lean on if you become seriously ill.


Look After Your Mind

Like your physical, your mental health must also be looked after well as you age. One in five older people living around people experience depression or poor mental, and this number jumps to two in five for these living in care homes, so it is really important that you are taking care of your mental health in later life.

A number of things can affect your mental health at this stage of your life, such as retiring. The best way to cope with any changes in your life that may be causing your mental stress are things such as talking to friends, family or even a professional if you feel you need to and being honest about how you feel so that you can get the help you need.


Stay Social

Staying social as you age has numerous benefits for both your physical and mental health. For example, studies have shown that those who are aged 60 and above who visit with their friend and/or almost daily are 12% less likely to develop dementia than those who only see one or two friends every few months.

Being social can take many forms such as volunteering for local causes, taking up hobbies, traveling and evens social media to keep in touch with friends and family. All of these activities can help reduce your chances of loneliness and other physical and mental health problems.


Ageing can be a difficult thing for a lot of people, particularly those who have been used to being active ad independent all their lives. However, these tips will help you get on track to take better care of yourself as you age and ease you into later life.

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