6 Home Decor Ideas You should Consider in 2020

home decor trends 2020

A new decade is upon us and for those of us that aren’t afraid of change, there are many home décor ideas that are making the rounds in the usual circles. If you look around, you will no doubt be able to notice a few recurring trends. For 2020, there are a few home décor ideas that look like they’re going to take off come to the New Year.

Do not be afraid to change things up in the year 2020. Throw out that old sofa, mattress, or table and opt for a newer, better one. We are going to rundown 6 tips for decorating your space come to the New Year.

Try out Pantone’s colour for 2020

Pantone announced Classic Blue as the colour of the year 2020 and as cliché as the colour may seem, this particular hue has some telling characteristics that add maturity and sensuality to a space. You can implement this colour as a paint accent on a wall, the colour of your sofa, or part of your curtain colour mix. The Classic Blue brings a pop element to your home decorations. Pantone's colour for the year is best suited for the home decorations that wants to bring a glam look to your home. Installing the best interior designing apps definitely helps you in decorating your home beautifully.

Try out Dulux colour of the year 2020

Dulux announced Tranquil Dawn as their colour of the year 2020 which is a very light shade of the colour green. The colour gives a sense of pure calmness to your space and brings warmth plus it is very soothing for your eyes. Try to incorporate this colour into your home decor. If you opt for using the Dulux's colour then try either the wall to have this colour or your decor products to complement the entire home interior

Outdoor room

Yes, I know this sounds expensive but it’s not. Outdoor rooms help take the inside-outside and provide a small outside enclosure with design cues that would normally be considered part of interior living spaces. If you cannot afford to splurge on elaborate outdoor decorations, something like a few outdoor cushions on the porch, a small table and tasteful chairs alongside lights will set you in your fabulous way.

Take a cue from nature

Nature-inspired design and furniture choices are all the rave in 2020. Maintaining a strong connection with outside nature via home décor is the trending thing, and for good reason. Materials like jute, raffia, cane, and artisanal pieces can be found in items from bookshelves, chairs, ottomans, tables, hammocks, modular wardrobes and more. Infuse your home design with a few of these and watch your interior blossom.

Spruce up your walkways: Runners

Transitional spaces in the home see the most foot traffic but ironically, get the least amount of love. This is not concomitant to their importance and leads to some inconsistency in home design. Roll up a fancy carpet of your favorite (not out of place) color and watch that space bubble with character.

Buy some new furniture

Buying furniture doesn’t have to be an expensive undertaking and that certainly isn’t the angle we are going for here. A simple, classy futon, a raffia knit chair, a well-placed ottoman, and even something as simple as a teakwood shelf can go a long way to break up hard lines for some design spontaneity. You can take the opportunity to update your furniture selections with the latest additions from popular outlets like Etsy and IKEA.

There you have it. Buying furniture can be a fun, rewarding experience and if you need it to, it can also be light on your pockets. Set a realistic budget for yourself and work your way down the list.

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