The 6 Most Common Commercial Roof Problems and How You Can Solve Them

metal roofing repair

A roof is one of the most important and yet commonly overlooked component of any building. Apart from providing support to the overall building structure, it goes through a lot when it comes to the unpredictable nature of Canadian weather. At some point in their life, every business owner has encountered some issues with their company’s building.

From tiny leaks to huge crackings, roofs usually suffer from a variety of typical troubles that require instant attention. That’s why constant roof repairs remain a top priority in commercial buildings. Almost all the tasks happen routinely in an office except a few, which also include roof inspection and maintenance.

The following is an account of the six most common roof problems along with their solutions:

Roof Leaks

It’s probably one of the most common if not the first commercial roofing problem faced by businesses these days. Due to irregular maintenance and repairs, the rooftops develop leaks, which might occur due to cracked flashings, broken tiles, and other such issues.

Roof leaks usually develop near vents and pipes, at skylights, around the gutter, under damaged shingles, at flashing points, and in low spots and valleys. To repair a damaged roof is not only a tricky thing to do but also very dangerous. It’s a job that’s best left to the professional commercial roofing services.

Pooled Water

During the rainy season, water begins to pool at the top of the roofs that cause extreme difficulties in the long run, especially in the case of a flat roof. To protect your roof from water damage, you have to form tapered areas over its surface. The slopes will allow the water to run down the pipes keeping your rooftop dry.

Non-Functional Flashings

Flashings are pieces of metals used on the roofs to overcome the water-related problems by targeting those areas where it could seep in. The typical spots on the roof to have these flashings include pipes, walls, and valleys. The condition of these little pieces could deteriorate over the time that requires consistent repairs and maintenance.

Ice Dams Formation

No roof is safe from the formation of ice dams in the coldest winters like in Canada. When it snows heavily in January and February, the snow keeps on accumulating at the top of the roof. Whenever there are some leaks in the roof, the internal heat escapes through the rooftop, melting the snow, and afterwards allows the water to refreeze.

When this activity goes unnoticed for a long time, it could cause severe damage to the surface of the roof, which may start leaks. To get rid of the problem of ice dams, install a proper ventilation system, appropriate insulation, and proper positioning of the underlayment.

Clogged Gutters

Water might keep on entering the roofing system if the gutters are defective, broken, or clogged. The water might eventually seep into the eaves leading to the start of the corrosion process. To prevent damages caused by the clogged gutters, you have to regularly inspect the gutter system for possible broken parts or debris present in them. You can also install some protective screens on the openings of the gutter to stop leaves from entering the gutter system.

Improper Roof Installation

Choosing an unreliable and inexperienced roofing company can cost you a lot in the long run. Improper roof installation is one of the top reasons for roof leaks. Your building needs the high-quality and experienced services of the commercial roofing contractors for this job. Apart from the installation, the repairs and replacements must also be done by the roofing experts who possess adequate knowledge and expertise about the roofing products.

Roof problems are mostly preventable through proper roof installation and consistent inspections. Since companies invest too much capital in building their business, it’s best to spend on the best roofing material such as metal roofs to minimize the problems mentioned above.

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