6 Tips to Take Care Of Your Feet During the Fall

6 Tips to Take Care of Your Feet

With summer finally coming to a close, so does our time of wearing sandals and open-toe shoes. As we transition into boot season, it’s easy to forget to stay on top of your foot hygiene and care. After all, why bother worrying about your feet when they’re being covered up by socks and boots?

But don’t let this seasonal change distract you from the importance of foot care. If you want to keep your feet looking and feeling great all throughout autumn and winter, then it’s important to make sure you don’t neglect them.

Need some help getting started? Here are 6 tips to take care of feet during the fall season!

Trim Your Toenails

The first step to taking care of your feet naturally is with frequent toenail trimmings. With our busy lives and hectic schedules, the length of our toenails can easily be overlooked when it comes to our personal grooming habits. Neglect to cut them regularly, and you’ll put yourself at risk for ingrown toenails and other painful foot-related issues. So if you want to take care of your feet this fall, the best thing you can do is to make sure to stay on top of those much-needed trimmings.


When the weather gets colder, the air also gets a lot drier. This means cracked skin will once again be an issue for all of us who live in cooler climates. Dry, cracked skin on your feet is not only unattractive, but it can also be uncomfortable. So to keep that dry skin at bay, be sure to moisturize your feet regularly. The best time to do so is as soon as you step out of the shower, as this helps to lock-in the moisture and keep the skin smooth and supple.

Lay Off the High Heels

We ladies sure do love our high heels. But if you’re looking to give your feet some TLC this fall season, your best bet is to give those heels a rest. Prolonged and frequent wearing of high heels can cause many problems for your feet; not to mention, they’re often just too uncomfortable to wear for more than a few hours at a time. So if you’re the kind of gal who loves strutting around in stilettos, you may want to take a break and switch to some lower-heeled shoes for awhile.

Invest in Warm Socks

The frosty weather of mid to late fall can often lead to cold feet which can leave you feeling chilled to the bone. Soaks, foot rubs, and cozy blankets can help after the fact, but in order to keep your feet warm while you’re out in the cold, you’ll want to make sure you invest in warm socks. Aside from the practical advantage of keeping your toes nice and toasty, cozy socks are an especially fun accessory for the fall and winter season. Always be sure to keep a pair or two on hand for when the temperature drops and your feet will be sure to thank you.

Splurge on a New Pair of Comfortable Boots

With the arrival of fall comes the arrival of boot season. Whether you’re a fan of ankle boots or tall, over-the-knee styles, there’s no better way to take care of your feet than making sure you invest in proper footwear. If there’s a comfortable pair of fall or winter boots you have your eye on, now is the time to splurge on them. The best boots for the season are ones that are comfortable, fit securely, and are versatile enough to wear with a variety of different outfits. Search for styles that include features such as memory foam padding, warm fleece or shearling linings, low sturdy heels, and soles that provide traction. Invest in a great pair, and you’ll be sure to keep your feet feeling cozy and comfortable all season long.

Get a Professional Pedicure

If all else fails and you need to give your feet an extra bit of TLC, why not go for a professional pedicure at your favorite salon? The warm water soak, massage, exfoliation, and moisturizing is sure to do your feet a world of good, especially as we head into the colder months of the year. And while you’re there, why not get your toes painted a fun and festive color for fall?

So with the start of fall and colder weather on the horizon, please don’t forget the importance of good, proper foot care. Do this and your feet will continue to look and feel good for months and months to come!

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