8 Tips For Grilling In The Winter


Some may have a notion that grilling is a summertime event. But many know that they can grill BBq all year round. Just take some precautions according to the season's demand and you are good to go for grilling.

Whether you are a regular-winter-griller or someone who wants to try winter grilling this year, here are some tips that you may use this winter while grilling. 

Thank us later! Let’s check them out first.

Find a Perfect Place

Whether it is in summer or winter, when it comes to grilling, choosing the right place is important. Not anywhere and everywhere in your home is suitable for grilling. You need to look for a suitable place where you can grill properly. Identify the direction of the wind and then Choose a position against the wind blast. 

Stay Cozy 

Forget about playing the hero. Put on some warm clothes. Deck yourself with proper clothes and footwear as the weather demands. You don’t want to catch a cold and keep sneezing for the next few days.

Clean a Little 

A little cleaning is needed before you start grilling. Clean the place you choose for your winter grilling. If you live someplace where it snows a lot, then properly clear the snow and ice from the grilling area before lighting the grill. Also, clear the path from the house to your grill area to avoid any accident. 

Fuel VS Winter 

Fuels act a little differently in the cold weather. Consider having some extra propane and gas in hand. You might need them. To maintain the required temperature in winter. You may end up using twice the amount of fuel you would use during summer grilling, it depends on how cold it is outside.

Maintain the Heat

Heat is of course a crucial factor when we are talking about grilling. Here are a bunch of simple tips to manage the heat better:

● In cold weather, it takes a little more time to grill. so, warm up the grill in advance, at least 20 minutes before you start to grill.

● Be a little patient. Don’t open the lid frequently, resist the urge to peek at your food. The more you lift the grill lid to peek, the more heat escapes.

● You can use Aluminium foils to preserve heat as they are good at retaining and reflecting heat.

● Get a cover for your grill. Putting a proper cover on the grill will help in preserving heat. 

Minimize the Grilling Time

Typically it takes more time to cook food in winter than in summer. However, you can minimize the required time a little and can save yourself from spending extra time in the cold by taking a few wise steps:

● Preheating: Preheat the grill. It helps to reduce the cooking time. 

● Choosing the Right Food: Not every food takes the same amount of time to be cooked. Try to choose the fast cooking foods for grilling if you don’t want to spend a long time grilling. Put Steaks, chops, burgers, chicken breasts, shrimp, fish steaks or filets, kebabs, etc. over direct heat and they will be cooked in 30 minutes or less.

● Selecting Quick Cooking Cuts: Food cutting also plays a big role in determining how much time it would take the food to be cooked nicely. Use strategies and grill your meat in a short time. Cook the meat quickly over high heat by cutting them into thinner and smaller cuts. It takes only a few minutes for steaks and pork loins to be grilled perfectly if you cut them thin. The same goes for the chicken breasts and kabobs.

Build a Grill Shelter

Enjoy the grill whenever your cravings for BBQ kicks in by arranging a grill shelter in a suitable place. 
If you are someone who likes to grill often in the winter then you may consider the idea of making a permanent winter grilling shelter. It will save you from a lot of extra steps you need to take before igniting the grill. You don’t have to back off from grilling just by thinking about all the prior work that you need to do. You can set an outdoor firepit to reduce some work. Check this one if you are thinking of owning an outdoor gas firepit. 

Be Safe

While grilling, having fun, and getting excited is fine. But don’t forget to be a little cautious. Whatever we do, safety should always come first. Take safety measures and avoid the things that may cause a hazard. 

Here are a few measures you need to take to be careful every time you do winter grilling:

1. Clothes

Don’t wear clothes like scarves or tassels that may come in contact with your grill and easily catch on fire. 

2. Slippery area

Many accidents occur while winter grilling due to dew-drops, snow, and ice. The risk is higher if you are grilling at night. Taking a little more care can save you from falling and some worse accidents.

3. Enclosed area

But just to avoid wind don’t position your grill in an enclosed area like your garage or porch. Confined areas are potential places for fire-hazards. Deadly Carbon monoxide also forms if you grill in a confined area. Avoid places that can cause any threat. Grill in a well-ventilated place for the sake of avoiding risk.

4. Keep the home safe

Although it’s not a must we suggest, you keep a distance of 20m from your house and your grilling area. We don’t want anything bad to happen to your home-sweet-home. 

5. Gas leaking

If you are using gas for your grilling then make sure to check all lines and connections. In winter many parts become brittle and crack easily. So check thoroughly if there’s any cracked place that may leak gas.

6. Lighting

If you are grilling at night set up proper lighting so you can see everything. You definitely can add some decor with the lights to create a nice atmosphere and mood.

Whether alone or with friends and family, grilling in winter is a fun activity to do. Use the proper tips and tricks, grill the meats, feel the weather, and enjoy the season to its fullest!  

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