Drupal vs WordPress vs Joomla: Which CMS Should you Choose?

Drupal vs WordPress vs Joomla: Which CMS Should you Choose?

Nowadays, website creation is not a challenging task. Many tools and technologies are present that simplifies the process of web development. Content Management System (CMS) is one of those technologies that allow the building of functional websites with fewer efforts. 

Are you facing difficulty in choosing between Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla? If yes, then you have come to the right spot. Here you will read the main points of differences between Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla. 

Which CMS is easy to use?

Do you have plans to set up and maintain your site on your own? But, I don't have the necessary knowledge of CSS or HTML. Then, you should choose WordPress web development. It offers simple installation and multiple themes to design your site. You can even install plugins without any assistance. 

Drupal provides a steep learning curve and requires the help of the Drupal experts for setting up a website. For installing any plugin, again you need to hire Drupal developer. Once the setup is finished, Drupal makes it easy to add content on the site. 

The installation of Joomla is simple just like Drupal and WordPress i.e. one-click installation. After it is done, you need to get started with the website set up and configuration. 

Which CMS has a higher speed?

Page speed is a vital factor that determines ranking online and aids in achieving a higher conversion rate. Did you know that 40% of visitors will abandon a website if it does not load in 3 seconds? Yes, you read it absolutely right. 

Drupal has an in-built caching that delivers content faster. You can create high performance and fast-loading sites. It is not resource-intensive and that’s the reason for its fast speed. 

Speed is the biggest drawback of WordPress. However, it does not mean that WordPress sites have slow speed. Many webmasters don’t optimize their site in the right way which slows down the speed of a website. 

As Joomla is lightweight and optimized CMS, it delivers fast and superior performance. The good part is that it comes with an in-built performance-boosting feature. 

Which CMS offers better security?

Security is the prime concern for every website owner. If you are planning to build a website, it is important to keep this factor into account. 

Drupal has a less user base due to which it is a highly secure platform. Its security gets enhanced with the updates that have been done on a regular basis. 

As WordPress is a popular CMS, its customer base is high. So, there is a greater risk associated with WordPress. Hence, it is always the target point of hackers and malware. 

Joomla is somewhat similar to WordPress when it comes to security. You will get lots of security extensions that will provide a backup for your website. You can safeguard Joomla’s installation by taking assistance from Joomla professionals. 

Which CMS provides more flexibility?

To customize the Drupal site, you will deal with numerous modules and extensions. You will get starter themes that you can customize further for maximizing your website’s potential. Drupal comes with multiple plugins and themes but choosing the right one will be a daunting task. 

WordPress is the repository of themes and plugins that you can utilize to enhance the functionality of your site. With the help of custom WordPress development, you can extend the functionality of your site. 

With the availability of multiple extensions in Joomla, it is simple to add any functionality that you wanted on your website. You will find various theme options that will provide the desired features to a website. 

Closing Thoughts

No doubt choosing the right CMS can have a longstanding impact on the business. Therefore, you should take a good amount of time in choosing between Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla. Whether you opt for Joomla development or any other development, just make sure that it satisfies your business requirements very well.

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