A Guide to Preparing a Nursery at Home – Tips from Seasoned Parents

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For both parents, there is nothing more exciting than welcoming your newborn to the family home and in this short article, we offer useful information on setting up a nursery at home to welcome Junior into the family.

  • Start early – When your partner goes into hospital to give birth, the majority of items should already be in place; there are, for example, infant feeding sets for sale online from an established Australian supplier, while most of the items you need can be sourced from an online store.
  • Consult your partner – Mum always knows best when it comes to a baby’s health & well-being and that includes the layout of the nursery. She should be consulted regarding furniture layout, wallpaper and screening, after all, mum will be spending a lot of time in this space and functionality is every bit as important as aesthetics.
  • Create a warm and inviting ambience – This will ensure that your baby will find their room a soothing space, somewhere it is easy to feel relaxed; soft pastel colours and children’s wallpaper are a good combination and add a few hanging toys will capture Junior’s attention.
  • Air the room after decorating – Paint fumes are toxic and when the painting and decorating is finished leave all the windows and the door open. Put a couple of fans in the room to clear out the fumes, then the nursery will be a safe place for baby.
  • Make sure you have a comfortable bed for mum – There will be times when mum wants to sleep with Junior, so a single bed as well as a cot is necessary. Of course, you should consult your partner regarding the layout and decor of the nursery, as mentioned above.
  • Chest of drawers – At least one unit is required for clean linen and baby clothing, along with a table on which to place the changing mat. Place the chest of drawers near the changing station so mum can enjoy easy access. Make sure the drawers are sturdy and that the furniture is securely anchored to the wall to prevent any accidents.
  • Dad’s Role in Setting Up the Nursery - While mums often take the lead in planning the nursery, dads can play a crucial role in its setup. Taking charge of setting up the nursery can help fathers feel more involved in the parenting process and can also provide valuable support to mum. From assembling furniture to organizing baby clothes, there are plenty of tasks that dad can handle.

Being proactive in preparing the nursery not only helps lighten the load for mum but also allows dads to bond with their unborn child. The act of creating a space for your baby is a tangible way to contribute to the family and can help ease the transition into parenthood.

If the father is in charge of setting up the nursery, he will feel more involved in the parenting process, as when baby first arrives home, it is mainly mum who is going to be busy. It should be the husband’s role to offer as much support as mum needs and let’s not forget that she will need a break from time to time.

Final Thoughts

Setting up a nursery is a special experience that marks the beginning of your journey as parents. By starting early, consulting with your partner, and paying attention to the details that will make the space both functional and comforting, you can create a nursery that is perfect for welcoming your newborn home. Remember, this is a space where you and your baby will spend a lot of time, so make it a place filled with love, warmth, and care.

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