How to Troubleshoot Windows 7 “0x80070057” Error?

Since Microsoft has stopped support for Windows XP, users are making no delay in upgrading their operating system to Windows 7 and above. But after upgrading to Windows 7, instead of experiencing an advanced and better operating system, sometimes users end up experiencing the error “0x80070057.” If you are also getting bothered by this error, then this article will help you in learning the essential troubleshooting steps.

Users understand that it is not safe to use an operating system that is no more getting maintained because such an OS won’t receive any security and other vital updates. For an XP user, updating to Windows 7 is beneficial not just from a security perspective but also because it has many advanced features. However, an error like 0x80070057 ruins the entire user’s experience. If you have recently upgraded to Windows 7 or if you have updated your Windows 7, and getting troubled with this error, then you can get relieved by performing the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article. 

It is a typical Windows 7 error that may occur because of various reasons. Some of the common reasons that can lead to this error are as follows:

  1. The partial or incomplete downloading of the backup files. 
  2. The partial or incomplete downloading of update files. 
  3. The System Reserved Partition gets damaged.
  4. Corrupt registry entries. 

Preventing the Error 

Various reasons can lead to the occurrence of this error. However, corrupt registry files or registry entries are one of the main reasons behind this error. That is because, Windows Registry get easily corrupted, and that too because of many reasons. Describing the reasons for registry corruption is not the purpose of this error, thus keeping that on the side, this article focuses on describing how to repair the corrupted registry entries. Once you learn how to repair corrupt registry entries, you will be able to troubleshoot many Windows errors because most of the Windows errors occur out of registry files or entries corruption. 

Solution 1

Tweak the Registry Entries 

To correct the registry entries, perform the following steps:

  • Click the ‘Start’ button.
  • In the search box of the ‘Start’ menu, type “Regedit.exe.”
  • Then, press ‘Enter.’
  • It will open the Windows Registry Editor
  • Then locate and click the registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\System.
  • Now, go to the ‘Edit’ menu, then navigate to ‘New.’
  • Then, click on ‘DWORD Value’
  • Next, type ‘CopyFileBufferedSynchronousIo.’
  • Then press ‘ENTER.’
  • Now, right-click on ‘CopyFileBufferedSynchronousIo.’
  • Then, click ‘Modify.’
  • On the ‘Value data’ box, type “1.”
  • Then click ‘OK.’
  • Now, exit from ‘Registry Editor.’

However, you must remember that tweaking registry entries are a complex matter because if you commit anywhere wrong, then you might end up causing major changes to your system’s settings. Therefore, try using the Windows Registry Editor only if you are confident about using it properly. Otherwise, you should go for online tech support services. Call a computer support firm, and the online technical support engineer will do the registry tweaking for you and resolve your problem.

Solution 2

Change the Decimal Symbol Setting

Secondly, you can solve this problem by changing the Decimal Symbol setting. Again it is a technically complex job. Thus, if you are not very good at intricacies of computers, then better take help from an online technical support engineer. However, for your reference the steps are mentioned below:

  • Click the ‘Start’ button.
  • Then, click the ‘Control Panel.’
  • Next, select ‘Date, Time, Language and Regional Options.'
  • Now, click ‘Region and Language Options.'
  • Next, click the ‘Formats’ tab.
  • Now, click on ‘Additional settings.'
  • It will open the ‘Decimal symbol field.'
  • Here, type “.” (dot).
  • Then, click ‘OK’ twice.
  • Now, restart the computer.


Troubleshooting methods for resolving error 0x8007057 are complicated as it involves tricky tweaking. If you are good at computer troubleshooting, then you can try the methods on your own. Otherwise, you must avail online computer support. Online technical support services are readily available these days. Thus, you just need to research online to access a good tech support firm.

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