Make Your Rooms Look New: 6 Redecorating Ideas For Suspended Ceiling

Suspended Ceiling

Even though most of us stay conscious of your home only around 5 hours a day, our days, moods, and perspectives are often influenced by the place we hold so dear. How we keep it and design and redesign it defines how we feel outward day-to-day. It is thus very natural to get bored of one look and harbor a wish to redo it in a way best matches your present temperament. Now that is settled, you might need to narrow down on the choices as to what specifically is bothering you most (and is in your budget as well to redo!).

Consider redoing your suspended ceiling and you can be really amazed at the ways you can achieve it exceptionally well and sometimes much within your pocket that you could go out to celebrate as well after the job is well done!

Suspended Ceiling redecoration ideas

For the DIYers, the choices could be endless (OK, not endless but many!). And if you have other work on your hand, experts can always step in to assist you with the dirty job (so to say!).

Here are some suggestions to consider if you don’t want to look at your suspended ceiling before it gets a new avatar. 

  1. Faux metal ceiling panels: If you want to give a completely new look to your suspended ceiling, getting a metallic appearance can be a great choice with so many options for color and style available in the market.
  2. Tile painting: If you are particularly bored with the color your ceiling appear in, give it a new one. The care you need to take includes bringing all the tiles down, cleaning them sufficiently for paints to better stick and let them dry at their pace. Just be aware of what the tile manufacturers have to say (elaborated later in the blog)!
  3. Fabric: Another great idea is to use a fabric of your choice that is no longer in use but would look really great up on your ceiling. Again, you need to bring the tiles down, clean the surface and use glue to stick the perfectly cut fabric pieces onto them. Just avoid air bubbles to stay by using a rolling pin.
  4. Wallpaper: If fabric (old or new) is not your thing but you still want to do it, wallpaper can do just the trick. Need the process to be mentioned again?
  5. Change to a new ceiling tile: Again with the interior design industry getting really innovative, you can expect the tile manufacturers to offer you some great tile designs to choose from. Of course, ‘new’ will also cost like ‘new’, so make your mind.
  6. Fabric Ceiling: Well, it may sound odd but it is smart, nonetheless. Your ceiling grid can hold a light material fabric like a parachute or something (which is easier to clean as well later when you need to). You can choose a ceiling like structure or a tent-like. This idea is great for small house events.

Precautions of redoing the ceiling tiles

As with every other action you undertake, a word of caution is sure to pop just to ensure that you decide fully aware of all the aspects. Some redoing activity might neither physically affect a ceiling tile nor its functionality/features (like sound resistance or fire safety), but others certainly can. So before you decide on the way you chose to redo the suspended ceiling, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into; its pros and con basically.  

Views of Market Leaders on painting suspended ceiling tile

The most popular brands of suspended ceiling tile manufacturer Armstrong who are known to supply with the best quality tile render their warranty void if you decided on painting their tile as the chemicals in paint affect the quality of the tile. Though, they recommend getting the painting done (if you really need to) by the experts so that the process doesn’t adversely affect the technical performance of their tile.
A similar word of caution, advice, and recommendation goes by another market leader of suspended tiles, the Rockfon. They advise on using latex paints with the use of sprayers to distribute a thin layer of clean and dry tile to minimize the influence on the technical performance of tiles.


Your house is ruled only by you, so how does it look should only be decided by you. The redecoration ideas for the ceiling tiles mentioned above are for guidance. Make sure the idea you finalize best suits your needs as well as taste.

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