Neil Miller
Neil Miller is the Creative Services Director at OrangeScape, makers of KiSSFLOW. He loves to hear new ways that organizations are streamlining their processes and spends his free time thinking about the coming automation onslaught, self-driving cars, and the human-computer symbiosis.
Articles from this author
Remember the days before email? Not likely. Most organizations started adopting email in the 1990s as a way to facilitate better communication.
While business process management (BPM) applications are getting more and more sophisticated, organizations are still struggling to solve process delays. With the recent developments in artificial intelligence, it has become easier to predict future prospects and avoid bottlenecks by aligning future constraints with available resources for organizations to optimize their BPM processes.
There’s an unspoken rule in every office that the first person to voice an opinion about an unclaimed project will immediately be given responsibility to complete that project.