The Most Valuable Features of Revit Training

The Most Valuable Features of Revit Training

Do you want to add to the store of knowledge you have as an architect? Perhaps you’ve been planning to learn about technology that moves your architectural work to a whole new level. Discover 11 features of Revit training that make it worth your time and money as an ambitious architect.

1. Small Class Size

There are no more than 12 students in each course. This gives you the chance to learn in an intimate setting that is more informal than a traditional classroom brimming with students. Plus, you’re going to receive a level of attention from your instructor that will contribute to your success in the course. You are an adult with plans to excel in your career. Naturally, you want to take a course where you'll get the guidance you need to achieve your goals.

2. Knowledgeable Instructors

The instructors teaching the courses are both knowledgeable and experienced. Courses are taught by registered architects who have boots on the ground experience working in the industry. Also, the instructors are certified, so they know how to convey lessons to students in the most effective way possible. As a student, you get the best of both worlds in your skillful instructor.

3. A Reliable Format for Learning

Enjoy peace of mind that you’re learning at a training center that has been certified by Autodesk. In short, you know the latest and best technology is being used as you pursue more knowledge in your field of work.

4. Lessons That Translate to Real Life

The lessons in your training course are based on actual architectural projects. This means you can avoid theorizing about the various aspects of design and dive right into what works and what doesn’t. You can take the lessons you learn and apply them in your daily work as an architect. In addition, if you're already familiar with the architectural design being discussed, you already have a basic understanding of the elements involved.

5. Courses to Suit Your Level of Expertise

You have a choice of excellent training courses, so you can find the one that applies to your level of expertise. You can go with the Fundamentals course to learn about 3D modeling from the ground up. Even if you already have some experience with this software, the Fundamentals course can reinforce what you know. Or, opt for the Intermediate course if you want to delve deeper into this 3D modeling technology. You may feel confident regarding the basics and want to challenge yourself to learn more ways to utilize this technology to benefit your work.

6. Intensive, Effective Training

The courses last just a few days and are intensive. This means you get a whole lot of useful, valuable information on this software without having to dedicate yourself to a course that lasts a year or even a semester. Many architects who work full-time for a company and have their own projects on the side especially appreciate this training. You can garner all of this valuable knowledge without needing to rearrange your work and family schedule for a class that lasts several months.

7. Enthusiastic Instruction

Most would agree it’s best to learn from an instructor who is excited about the subject he or she is teaching. Whether you’re taking a Fundamentals or Intermediate training course, the instructor is there because he or she is excited about the creative possibilities this software offers to architects who want to modernize and streamline their work. Not surprisingly, an enthusiastic, passionate instructor usually ends up with a class full of enthusiastic students! In turn, you can take that enthusiasm back to your employer and share it with your colleagues.

8. The Opportunity to Ask Questions

Small class size for every course means you have the chance to ask the questions you need to ask in order to understand and benefit from every lesson. Sometimes a question asked by a fellow classmate can also clarify a point or two giving true understanding. The instructors are happy to answer questions, so every student gets the most out of each lesson.

9. A Low-Pressure Learning Environment

Small class size lends to a relaxed, friendly learning environment. Unfortunately, in large classes, you may feel overlooked by the instructor and not able to get the full value out of a lesson. Alternatively, in these training courses, the instructors and students get to know one another making it an even more pleasant atmosphere for learning. Many architects feel reinvigorated and inspired by the time the intensive course ends. They want to go and try out what they've learned!

10. An Association with Successful Companies

When you decide to take a course to benefit your own career, you want to get the training from a reliable company. There is a lengthy list of well-known companies and corporations who have worked with this company and rely on their expertise when it comes to this cutting-edge technology.

11. The Opportunity to Connect with Others in the Architectural Field

Taking this course means you’ll learn a lot from your instructor. It also means you get the opportunity to learn from and connect with your fellow students who are also pursuing excellence in the field of architecture. You can pair up with another student to talk over what you learned that day. This can only enhance the knowledge you received in class. As you network with fellow students as well as your instructor, you may create a connection that pays off for you sometime in the near future.

Finally, getting your choice of courses and dedicating yourself to a few days of intensive learning can be a great challenge for you in your career. Learning how to use this technology in a confident way may be just what you need to take the next step up the ladder in your vocation.

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