5 Tips to Get Press Coverage for Startups Post Seed Funding

Press Coverage

After securing seed funding for your newly launched startup, the next challenge for you is to gain more market visibility. Securing high-profile press coverage can help you build credibility and achieve the exposure needed to attract more investors, customers, and potential audiences.

However, securing high-profile media attention is difficult, especially for startups navigating the competitive post-funding stage. To assist you on your journey, here are five essential tips to secure press coverage for your startup after receiving seed funding.

1. Craft a Compelling Story

Journalists aren’t just eager for products or services to write about; they want exclusive stories that resonate with their readers. To secure good media coverage, you need to frame your startup’s journey in the right way that captures media attention.

Think about all those factors that make your startup unique from others. Is it the problem you’re solving, the founder’s personal story, or your mission and vision?

Highlight in detail what sets you apart from your competitors. Emphasize the impact of your products or services on a community or the market, and show how securing seed funding will help expand that impact in the long run.

Crafting a compelling story also involves timing. The announcement of securing seed funding is often the right moment to pitch your story to the media and press. Journalists tend to be more interested when they know there’s newsworthy momentum behind your business.

Be prepared with a solid brand narrative that explains the purpose of the funding, how you plan to leverage it, and the future you envision for your startup.

2. Build Media Relationships Early On

A common mistake many early-stage startups make is waiting to start reaching out to media and journalists until they need press coverage. This reactive approach can be limiting. Instead, try to build relationships as early as you can, even before you close your seed funding round.

Reach out to journalists who write about startups and small business success in your industry. Follow them on various social media channels such as LinkedIn or X (Formerly Twitter), engage with their content, and get to know about their interest. When the time comes to pitch your seed funding story, they’ll be more familiar with your brand and your mission.

Cold pitching to journalists is much harder, and they often prefer to cover stories from various sources they trust. Thus, by building these media relationships early on, you stand a much better chance of securing high-profile media coverage when your funding news breaks.

3. Focus on the Right Publications

Not all press is good press, especially if your brand story doesn’t reach your target audience. Instead of chasing multiple media coverage from every possible outlet, try to focus on the renowned publications, national or local, that matter most to your target market and industry.

Identify trade publications, niche blogs, and industry-specific media outlets that are read by potential partners, customers, and investors. These publications are often more approachable than any large mainstream media and can offer more valuable brand exposure, especially when trying to reach decision-makers.

Once you identify the relevant journalists or publications, send your news pitch accordingly. Explain to them how your startup perfectly fits into a broader niche trend and why their readers would care. Mentioning your news seed funding for startups can add weight to your pitch, especially if the funding round is sizable or involves renowned stakeholders and investors.

4. Leverage Your Investors and Network

The investors who provide you with seed funding are not just financial backers; they’re also valuable advocates. Many investors and stakeholders have relationships with industry influencers, bloggers, and journalists who regularly cover news about startups. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your investors for guidance on securing press coverage or introductions to the media.

Investors often have a mutual interest in ensuring their portfolio companies succeed, and they can offer credibility when you're pitching to the press. The weight of their recommendation can help your startup stand out in a crowded inbox of press inquiries.

Additionally, leverage your startup’s broader network, including accelerators, mentors, and other entrepreneurs who have already secured high-profile press coverage. Often, these individuals can offer valuable insights or make introductions that lead to better media opportunities.

5. Create Newsworthy Milestones

While securing seed funding for your startup is newsworthy, this moment alone won’t sustain long-term media interest. You have to think beyond the funding announcement and develop a series of successful milestones that can encourage ongoing media coverage.

For instance, you can create a press kit around customer success stories, product launches, strategic partnerships, or key appointments in the company. Keep the media engaged by continue sharing your startup’s journey. A perfect approach to maintain interest is by regularly updating media houses or journalists with newsworthy developments, ensuring they remember your company when looking to publish future stories.

In Addition, it’s a good practice to have a media kit ready at all times. A comprehensive press kit that includes product information, professional photos, and the background of your founders can make it easier for journalists and media to cover your early-stage startup.


High-profile Media coverage can offer the visibility and credibility your startup needs to grow post-seed funding. By crafting a compelling brand story, targeting the right publications, building relationships with journalists, leveraging your investors, and developing newsworthy milestones, your startup can attract the media attention it deserves.

However, securing regular press coverage requires consistent effort, and some startups choose to partner with a PR agency to streamline their media relationship process and maximize PR results. A professional PR agency can help connect with the right journalists, craft compelling pitches, and guide your media strategy to achieve long-term success.

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