Debunking Common Pregnancy Myths: What You Need to Know About Cesarean Sections, Miscarriages, and More

What common misconceptions about pregnancy should you not believe? This time we will talk about miscarriages, cesarean sections, saunas, baths and jacuzzis, anesthesia during childbirth, breastfeeding, and emotions.
It's essential to recognize that not all myths surrounding pregnancy are true, as they can cause unnecessary worry and anxiety for expectant mothers. Such stress is not only harmful during pregnancy itself but also during the preparation stage. Many women struggle with conceiving quickly. That is why women use tools like ovulation test that can help track the most fertile days, reducing uncertainty and lowering stress levels during the process. By addressing these concerns and myths, we can empower women to approach pregnancy with greater peace of mind and confidence. Let's look at the most common myths.
After a cesarean section, natural childbirth is impossible/not recommended
The decision is made individually. Modern examination methods, studying the condition of the scar, determining risk factors, and adequately assessing the situation in each specific case allow women to successfully give birth after a cesarean section. At the same time, not every birth after a cesarean section can occur through the natural birth canal.
Any bleeding in the 1st trimester means a miscarriage
Bloody discharge in the 1st trimester of pregnancy does not always indicate detachment of the ovum. Scanty bloody discharge may appear during implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall, that is, be physiological. Discharge can also be caused by other reasons: a cervical polyp or trauma to the vaginal mucosa during sexual intercourse.
Most miscarriages occur due to infections, certain diseases, and carelessness of the woman
Most early pregnancy losses (about 80%) are caused by chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus; they are not considered signs of any problem in the body. The probability of miscarriage can be influenced by other factors: anatomical, endocrine, infectious, and blood clotting disorders. In some cases, the causes of miscarriage remain unclear.
Pregnancy is not recommended after 35
Myth. A woman after 35 can easily bear a healthy child. However, it is important to know that with age, the probability of congenital malformations and chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, premature birth, arterial hypertension, gestational diabetes, etc. increases. Therefore, it is especially important to take all the necessary preparatory steps and correct existing disorders.
Warm baths, jacuzzis, and saunas are completely safe during pregnancy
Taking baths and jacuzzis is permissible during uncomplicated pregnancy, and observing the thermal regime: the water should not be heated above 37 degrees. Visiting a sauna or bathhouse is acceptable in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, as well as during the physiological course of pregnancy.
The mother's eating habits during pregnancy and breastfeeding affect the child's allergies
This is not true. The diet during pregnancy does not affect the likelihood of developing allergies in the child. The same applies to the period of breastfeeding. From the point of view of evidence-based medicine, a nursing woman should not adhere to any diet, her diet should be varied.
It is better for a healthy woman to give birth without anesthesia/anesthesia is always recommended.
The use of anesthesia during childbirth is discussed individually, based on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, concomitant pathology, and the obstetric situation during childbirth. Some women may choose or require anesthesia to manage pain, while others may opt for a natural birth experience. Factors such as the stage of labor, the baby’s position, and the mother’s health play a significant role in this decision. Ultimately, the choice should be made after a thorough discussion with healthcare providers to ensure the best possible outcome for both mother and child.
If the child is small, then a cesarean section is the woman's fault
Blaming yourself for giving birth by cesarean section is unacceptable. This is a sure path to postpartum depression. Indications during labor may arise due to developing and non-responsible treatment hypoxia of the fetus, weakness, and discoordination of labor.
Breast milk may not come naturally, preparation is necessary
By the time of birth, the breast is completely ready for feeding. No special preparation is required. On the contrary, any manipulations with the nipple can lead to undesirable consequences. Breastfeeding is stimulated by attaching the baby to the breast from birth. Full lactation occurs by the end of the 1st month.
A woman should be positive and happy during pregnancy and after childbirth
The gestational and postpartum periods are associated with serious changes in a woman's life. Hormonal changes, bearing, giving birth, and caring for a baby are often accompanied by complex emotions - this is normal. A woman has the right to experience any emotions.
In conclusion, it's important to question common myths surrounding pregnancy, as many of them are based on misconceptions. Understanding the facts and individualizing care can help women make informed decisions about their health and well-being during pregnancy and childbirth. By debunking these myths, we can support a more realistic and compassionate approach to pregnancy, emphasizing the importance of personalized care and mental health throughout this life-changing experience.
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