
I work in fashion retail as a sales professional for an iconic suit manufacturer. Every day I engage with individuals from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds. I am also involved in eCommerce where I operate an online store selling “Men’s Bags For All Occasions” One of my keen interests outside work is song writing witch I do in collaboration with highly talented individuals in Australia and The USA, we have won some minor song competition awards. Lastly, the reasons for me to turn my hand to writing are to improve my poor grammatical skills and to exercise my creative energy.
Articles from this author
The suit as we know it today can be traced back to its creator Beau Brummel who became the arbiter of fashion more than one hundred and fifty years ago. The dandy style of that era was later epitomized by artists such as David Bowie, Mark Bolan and Bryan Ferry of Roxy Music and became known as glam rock style.
Bamboo is one of the most useful plants on our planet and a member of the grass family. It grows in abundance, achieving maturity in only 4 to 7 years and reaching heights of 40 meters. No fertilizers or pesticides are required to support and maintain growth. There is hardly a country in the world that has not embraced the use of Bamboo in some form.
As a sales professional of many years in fashion retail and other industries, I’ve heard all the sales techniques and winning scripts. I’ve processed and analyzed all of the information handed down and discarded 99% of it. All too often customers are referred to as hanging fruit, conversion rate, foot traffic and closing a sale and so on.
One can’t ignore 95,000,000 monthly visitors to Amazon. And’ also one cannot ignore the fact that 95% of Americans shop or will shop at Walmart. E-commerce is set to grow 200% over the next five years. It has grown 38% over the past three months in the USA alone, in comparison to Walmart’s online rate of just 11%.