React Native vs. Native App Development — Pros and Cons for Business


React Native is a unique software which designs apps using JavaScript. Its use of JavaScript allows it to develop apps for both iOS and Android. React Native was developed by Facebook in March 2013. By providing the ability to make a code which works on both systems, React Native enables ios and android app development through the use of a single code. Thus, you no longer have to code separately for iOS and Android, which makes the process easy and time-saving. React Native's prospects for business usage have been widely acknowledged. What makes React Native unique? Is React Native suitable for your business? Does it outsmart previous app development software? Should we use it for the development of all kinds of apps?

React Native is fun

If you have come from a native iOS or Android background, you would have realized its powers. Creating an app is super easy & uncomplicated. However, its equally easy to screw your app and make it slow and laggy — especially if you have a large app with complex architecture, state management, deeply nested components.

Even on a complex app, achieving 60 fps with React Native isn’t a rocket science. In this article, I’ll be sharing common pitfalls that lead to a slow & janky app and ways you can avoid it.

React Native's Secret

The industry, for many years prior to the release of React Native, was struggling to find a framework which allowed for the development of a multiplatform app. One had to go through the strenuous activity of having to code separately for multiple platforms. With the advent of React Native, there were hopes of a less entangled future of ios and android app development.

Previously, when coding was restricted to computers and smartphones were nonexistent, the web browser of any computer was the place where all different kinds of functions could be performed. There was no obstacle in the way of web development because there was a single software uniform across all computers.

On the other hand, with the advent of the smartphone, the coding industry took a very different route. Since there were various companies coming up with their newest phones, all of them had a platform which was unique only to the specific company. Cross-platform app development was not a reality. One had to make a different interface for apps depending on the company. For instance, Nokia used Symbian while on the other hand, Apple used iOS and Samsung, Sony and others used Android. However, making different apps for different platforms was not a very efficient method.

With the emergence of React Native, the reality of a multiplatform app was in the sights. React Native allowed for the development of multiplatform apps without comprising on quality and speed. However, like the development of any app, the success of it largely depends on the amount of effort the creator puts in Apps don't just appear out of thin air.

Which one is better React Native or native?

The availability of either of these two frameworks depends upon on the kind of project being made. lf, for instance, the project is restricted to either only iOS or only Android, then it doesn't make sense for the development to be done on React Native. For that purpose, any app development software could be used If, on the other hand, the project requires that an app is developed for both iOS and Android, then that is where the role of React Native comes in.

The presence of React Native allows for us the possibility of going beyond boundaries with our apps. One no longer has to worry about going through the trouble of having to do the task separately depending on the platform. Thus, while it may not be understood yet, React Native is a game changer.

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