Real Estate Niches You Are Not Aware Of

Hey, nice to see you. If you are here in this article, it’s either because you’re someone looking for real estate opportunities to advance your real estate agent career or you’re someone who’s looking for a real estate agent specialized in one specific real estate niche, and the good news is that you came to the right place. In this article, we will talk about real estate niches you are not aware of but that DO exist. Some have been around and have a lot of demand, some are brand new, some are on the rise, and some are downright a bit of a stretch, we admit. But what do they have in common? Well… I guess the fact that they are all here, in one page, for you to read and learn about. Enjoy!
Real Estate agent specialized in homes for the disabled
This important real estate niche is one that real estate agents aren’t much aware of but is in a lot of demand. A real estate agent that specializes in homes for the disabled goes about the home buying process in a different manner than the usual; their worries are accessibility, proximity to schools that have a track record of good special needs education and social integration, availability of hospitals, organization, and services that deal with special needs people and an overall notion of safety when it comes to special needs people. For instance: some children on the autism spectrum are prone to wandering and are fascinated with water, so a house next to a large body of water like a lake might not be a good idea. Same thing with busy streets filled with passing cars.
On the personal side, to seize this real estate opportunity, it requires a loving understanding individual with a lot of stamina. You have to be a focused person that puts the client first always, that lends an ear to them and thinks about their need all the time. Visiting a house with them can be an adventure, so if you’re the quick, in-and-out type of agent, this real estate niche is definitely not for you. While it can be a pretty lucrative real estate niche because houses with so many accessibility features tend to be expensive and the demand is big with 12.6% of the US population having a disability, the real reward when you specialize in homes for the disabled is the gratitude and sense of accomplishment you feel when you make a palpable difference to your client’s life. Sure, any type of agent touches their client’s life anytime they help them buy or sell a house but pause and think a bit about how it’s on a whole nother level when you do that for people that require so much adaptation to have comfort. It’s a real nice feeling when you manage to make their life a little more easy.
If you liked this idea, but know nothing about the “how-tos”, start by learning the best places to live in the US with special needs children to live if your child has special needs, meet local organizations and ask for material to get you informed on the hurdles special needs people go through when dealing with real estate, and especially: volunteer! You’ll learn valuable lessons not only for your new specialization but for your life.
Cryptocurrency expert agent
The rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and others have birthed a great real estate opportunity for agents willing to learn a little bit about these exciting new technologies.
The only thing is that, if you want in, this real estate niche, some say, has its days counted. Why? Because cryptocurrencies are becoming so omnipresent that the novelty of it is fading and more and more it’s becoming something that people do understand. It’s just like social media: there used to be a time when companies would hire other companies to do the work because they needed specialized people that understood that new and strange tool. Nowadays, even grandma knows how to post on facebook, so it makes no sense to outsource it and most of them do it by themselves. Same thing is likely to happen with crypto: with people getting more and more familiar with the use of it for everything, they will increasingly need less help. But still, if you start now your cryptocurrency real estate niche specialization, you will swim easy for quite some time. This is a very lucrative real estate niche where the guidance of someone with experience in these transactions is very important, so the demand is there.
Are you that somebody? Do you want in this real estate niche now, while there’s still time? Then it’s important to start your cryptocurrency education. Not just that, but 5G internet, Self-Driving Cars, Blockchain and basically every new technology. We say cryptocurrency but it’s safe to say that this one is actually a specialization in “the future”; a professional that is always up to date on the latest trends of marketing and technology. It can be quite tiring to always search the latest trend, but for people who like that, it’s actually a cool excuse to turn what was a hobby into part of your professional strength.
Sub-niche: Millennials. Dealing with crypto goes beyond that, but specializing in dealing with Millennial clientele can be an interesting thing because most of our industry focuses on the Baby Boomer’s point of view and way of living; there’s almost no one thinking exclusively about the Millennials’ taste. And although (for a lot of reasons) they are less enthusiastic about real estate than Baby Boomers and even Gen X’ers, you can be the one that cracks through their way of seeing the world and help them find the perfect house for them. Clients exist plenty out there: there are approximately 75.4 million Millennials in America.
Vacation homes
The vacation home niche is a very interesting one. It might sound like a hard one to crack because the supply might seem a bit low but it’s definitely an interesting real estate niche. Why? Because buying a second home is in many ways very different than buying a house to live in. You have to deal with a lot of other aspects like different taxation, an overall knowledge of the best cities to invest in real estate and much more. So if one finds the right way to market themselves as the go-to person in this real estate niche, the demand can become very interesting.
To grab this real estate opportunity, one needs to learn a lot about short-term leases and airbnb renting in order to have all the information available to their clients. A sound idea is to have a parent company that works with vacation home management, so you sell the house but also keep making money out of it when the owners rent to someone else while they’re not there.
Sub-niche: Empty nesters. This might sound like a little bit of a stretch, but people with empty nest syndrome are more likely to get a vacation home, and they have their own specificities that go beyond the vacation home niche. Sometimes they don’t need vacation homes at all, but to downsize their home. Sometimes they just need someone who understands them. To go about this one: read the empty nester survival guide.
We hope you’ve enjoyed those real estate opportunities and found out the one that’s best for you. If not, tell us in the comments: which real estate niche that you would like to be more prominent, a niche that could really use specialized real estate agents?
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