6 Reasons Why Explainer Videos Are Crucial to Promote a Brand

Explainer Videos

Today, when the markets have become highly competitive, grabbing the attention of potential audiences and communicating a brand's message is more challenging than ever. Nowadays, consumers are bombarded with a lot of information from numerous online sources, making it vital for businesses to stand out from the competition.

One of the powerful marketing tools that has proven to be highly impactful in this struggle is leveraging the power of explainer videos. Explainer videos are short, engaging, and informative videos that break down complex products or concepts into easily understandable content.

In this article, we will discover how explainer marketing videos can help promote a business and why they will remain an essential part of any marketing strategy.

How Explainer Videos Can Help Promote a Brand


1. Increases Brand Visibility and Awareness

Explainer videos are highly shareable content on social media channels. In addition, social platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn make it easy to share such engaging video content to a vast audience, locally or globally. In addition, with the help of Digital PR, a well-crafted, innovative explainer video can quickly go viral, significantly increasing a brand’s online visibility and market awareness.

As more and more people share the video content within their networks and communities, the brand’s message reaches a large audience, often beyond the designated target demographic. This organic sharing of content is invaluable in establishing brand recognition and positioning a robust presence in the industry.


2. Help Simplifies Complex Ideas

One of the significant benefits of explainer marketing videos is their ability to simplify complex product or service concepts. Whether a brand is launching a new product, explaining a service, or educating its consumers about a particular topic, explainer videos can help break down complicated ideas into easy-to-understand narratives and visuals.

This simplification of services through explainer videos helps make the brand information more accessible and ensures that the audience retains the key takeaways. When the audience clearly understands a service or product, they are more likely to feel attached to the brand and make a purchase.


3. Enhances SEO Efforts

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital to driving organic traffic to a business website. Promotional videos, including explainer films, are one of the most powerful tools for enhancing the overall efforts of marketers or SEO agencies working for a brand.

Search engines, like Google, and Bing give utmost preference to video content in search results, exclusively when it is well-optimized with relevant search terms, tags, and meta descriptions.

By embedding a brand’s explainer video on the official website or blog, businesses can enhance their possibilities of appearing on the first page of SERP results, thereby driving more organic traffic to their website.

In addition, videos tend to increase the user’s session time on a website, which is one of the main aspects that search engines evaluate when ranking a website.


4. Enhance Conversion Rates

Sharing innovative explainer videos with target audiences has a proven track record of increasing conversion rates. As per the experts, consumers are more likely to buy a product or service after watching a comprehensive video about the same.

This is because rich media or videos offer a more immersive and engaging experience as compared to normal text communication or static images. A well-crafted explainer film can showcase a product in action, exhibit its advantages, and address common concerns or questions—all within a short timeframe.


5. Builds Trust and Credibility

Trust is the foundation of any successful brand-consumer association. Creating and sharing explainer videos with your consumers can help build this trust by providing transparent and clear information about a brand’s products or services.

When a brand takes sufficient time to educate its target audience through an informative explainer video, it shows a commitment to consumer transparency and satisfaction.

This effort can significantly help increase a brand's credibility, making it more likely that customers will trust the products and services of the brand. Furthermore, such videos often feature testimonials, real people, or customer reviews, which can further strengthen trust and encourage audiences to trust the brand in the long run.


6. Backs Social Media Marketing

Nowadays, many social media channels are prioritizing rich media or video content. Algorithms on several renowned social channels like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn prefer video posts, meaning these videos are more likely to appear in audience feeds than image or text posts.

By collaborating with an experienced explainer video company that can help produce engaging and informative explainer videos, brands can take full advantage of this trend and enhance their social media marketing efforts. In addition, videos are more likely to generate more likes, shares, and comments, further boosting the brand's online reach on social channels.



In today’s digital era, explainer videos are now become a robust way to promote a brand. Thus, by incorporating explainer videos into your online marketing strategy, brands can effectively engage with their audience, convey vital messages, and drive business growth.

Whether a brand has just launched or a well-established business looking to expand its reach, explainer videos can offer a compelling approach to achieving marketing goals.

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