Remote but United: 7 Tools for Effective Developer Teamwork

work from home

Whether at home or in a different country, remote working gives employees enormous freedom. And it’s a practice that is only growing in popularity. In 2023, experts predicted that up to 22 million Americans worked outside the traditional office.

For developers, the pivot to remote working can be very liberating. They can apply for jobs worldwide without being expected to uproot their life.

Despite this freedom, remote work also brings enormous challenges. After all, developers rely heavily on collaboration and communication with colleagues. How can you possibly do that with someone thousands of miles away?

The answer is technology. Businesses must put in place proper support to make remote work a success. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the best tools and technologies for supporting remote work.

Seven essential tools to help unify remote developers

Below are various tools that can help developers adapt to remote working. Each can improve communication between developers, regardless of their distance.

1.    GitHub

GitHub is an ideal platform for any developer, but it is especially useful for remote users. It streamlines the entire coding process, helping boost productivity and results.

Developers can work together in real time through a user-friendly interface. Visual code changes and comment options help flag new changes made by team members, allowing them to review and merge work with confidence.

Managers can also assign members different permissions and access levels, helping to ensure a clear chain of command between remote teams. Developers can map workflows and track milestones on tables, boards, and task lists. They can also share updates with their team in a dedicated space on the platform.

Finally, GitHub’s AI developer tool, GitHub CoPilot, promises to help improve productivity. It can accelerate software development and promote efficiency among remote workers.

2.    Google Workspace

With over 3 billion users, it is safe to say that Google has created some of the world’s most popular and useful apps. Google Workspace is a versatile collection of its premiere cloud computing tools. Each one can further boost productivity and collaboration between remote developers.

Google Workspace provides an extensive bundle of communication supports. Classic services like Gmail and Google Drive will have premium features, including more storage. Apps all integrate together and can sync between members. That means everything from calendars and presentations can work together.

Google Workspace also has an AI-powered assistant known as Gemini. Sold as an add-on, it can help boost productivity and simplify tasks. Companies like Uber use Gemini to free up developers for higher-value work.

3.    eSIM technology

Remote working has opened up the opportunity for developers to travel while they work. While this can provide amazing opportunities, it does threaten communication.

If developers are on the move, they may be unable to connect to networks in new countries, making it difficult to stay in touch with other teammates. And if an urgent revision or approval of new code is needed, this can pose a considerable delay. But there is a solution that can guarantee seamless communication—eSIMs.

An eSIM is a digital version of the traditional SIM card that allows you to change and connect to the best local networks in your area. You no longer have to source and install local SIM cards; the entire process occurs within an eSIM app.

Developers can travel to any location and enjoy reliable connectivity with their team. All you need to do beforehand is check your device’s compatibility and find a free eSIM download. Choose a data plan that suits your needs, and activate it before heading to your destination.

4.    ClickUp

Described as the “everything app,” ClickUp is a collaboration dream. It helps structure and unite remote teams through various features, including project management, development, time-tracking, and automation. With ClickUp, everyone knows their role and deadlines.

Its whiteboard features allow developers to work in a flexible, shared space. This allows everyone to brainstorm ideas, draft plans, and comment on work. Developers can review everything in real time for optimal efficiency.

5.    Jira

Jira is a tool that allows developers to plan and collaborate regardless of location. It helps visualize projects so teams can assign resources with ease. Developers can also set and track deadlines, mapping out project priorities.

Jira can also gather insights before, during, and after release. Stakeholders can create reports based on these insights, allowing them to evaluate work as it happens.

Jira is a versatile platform that can integrate with other communication tools. You can connect with Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and other popular platforms, ensuring that everyone is kept in the loop no matter where conversations happen.

6.    Confluence

Confluence is a service that helps unify developers and keep them all on the same page—literally. It focuses on ensuring developers find all the relevant technical documentation they need.

Remote teams can create a library of documents that are easy to reference, share, and review. Built-in features encourage collaboration, so every member feels familiar with documents. For example, a whiteboard space allows developers to brainstorm and collaborate in real time.

A variety of templates ensures teams can get to work in seconds. Additionally, there are innovative databases that organize, structure, and standardize processes. Customizable permissions ensure developers only access files and information that they need to.

7.    Asana

Asana is a project management tool that can help remote developers work in harmony. It promotes efficiency by allowing teams to track progress and automate processes.

Teams can divide resources, scale workflows, and onboard new employees. This makes it an ideal tool for outsourcing development work. You can give members temporary access and all the information they need to get started.

Developers can assign priority levels to tasks and update their stage of development, enabling teams to track goals and streamline workflows.

Best of all, Asana has over 100 third-party app integrations, including Microsoft Teams, Google Drive, and Okta. This unlocks excellent opportunities for cross-collaboration between different departments.

Making remote work pay off

Remote work has revolutionized the way every company department works, including developers. Now, your co-workers can be located thousands of miles away.

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